Bounded Recovery Status

Name Value
Documentation Retrieve an existing Bounded Recovery Status
Process Type(s) Extract
Endpoint /services/v2/mpoints/{item}/brStatus
JSON Schema mpoints:brStatus
Base Name br-status
Internal Name MPL_BR_STATUS

Tag Description
deploymentName The name of the OGG Microservices deployment
deploymentId The unique identity of the OGG Microservices deployment
processType The type of process
processName The name of the process
br-current-status The status of the BR
force-checkpoint-time Force Checkpoint time

Metric Data Type Description
last-checkpoint-number integer Last checkpoint time
checkpoint-intervalseconds integer The time interval between two checkpoints
total-num-objectspersisted integer Number of objects to be persisted at the BR checkpoint
total-state-bytespersisted integer State size of all objects to be persisted at the BR checkpoint
total-data-bytespersisted integer Data size of all objects to be persisted at the BR checkpoint
outstanding-numobjects integer Number of objects still remaining to be persisted at the BR checkpoint
outstanding-statebytes integer State size of all objects still remaining to be persisted at the BR checkpoint
outstanding-databytes integer Data size of all objects still remaining to be persisted at the BR checkpoint