Distribution Service Network Statistics

Name Value
Documentation Retrieve an existing Distribution Service Network Statistics
Process Type(s) Distribution Service
Endpoint /services/v2/mpoints/{item}/distsrvrNetworkStats
JSON Schema mpoints:distsrvrNetworkStats
Base Name distributionServer-network-stats
Internal Name MPL_DS_NET_STATS

Tag Description
deploymentName The name of the OGG Microservices deployment
deploymentId The unique identity of the OGG Microservices deployment
processType The type of process
processName The name of the process
path-name The name of the path

total-receive-time integer Receive Wait Time
total-send-time integer Send Wait Time
total-bytes-sent integer Total Number of Bytes Sent
total-bytes-received integer Total Number of Bytes Received
total-messages-received integer Total Number of Messages Received
total-messages-sent integer Total Number of Messages Sent