Monitoring and Controlling Processing After the Instantiation

After the target is instantiated and replication is in effect, you can control processes and view the overall health of the replication environment.

If you configured Replicat in integrated mode, you can use the STATS REPLICAT command to view statistics on the number of transactions that are applied in integrated mode as compared to those that are applied in direct apply mode.


The output of this command shows the number of transactions applied, the number of transactions that were redirected to direct apply, and the direct transaction ratio, among other statistics. The statistics help you determine whether integrated Replicat is performing as intended. If the environment is satisfactory and there is a high ratio of direct apply operations, consider using nonintegrated Replicat. You can configure parallelism with nonintegrated Replicat.


To ensure realistic statistics, view apply statistics only after you are certain that the Oracle GoldenGate environment is well established, that configuration errors are resolved, and that any anticipated processing errors are being handled properly.

To ensure that all processes are running properly and that errors are being handled according to your error handling rules, see Error Management. Oracle GoldenGate provides commands and logs to view process status, lag, warnings, and other information.