Database Configuration

Learn about supported MySQL databases, required settings, and how to prepare tables for processing as part of configuring MySQL for Oracle GoldenGate.

Supported Databases

Oracle GoldenGate for MySQL supports capture and delivery for MySQL, Oracle MySQL Heatwave, Amazon Aurora MySQL, Amazon RDS for MariaDB, Amazon RDS for MySQL, Azure Database for MySQL, Google Cloud SQL for MySQL, and MariaDB.

Oracle GoldenGate supports delivery to SingleStoreDB and SingleStoreDB Cloud, using the Oracle GoldenGate for MySQL Replicat.

Capture and delivery for MySQL configured with Group Replication in single-primary mode is supported. For more information, see Using Oracle GoldenGate with MySQL Group Replication.

For a complete list of supported databases and versions, review the Certification Matrix for your version of Oracle GoldenGate.

Limitations of Support

The following are the limitations of support for Oracle GoldenGate for MySQL:

  • MySQL databases enabled with binary log transaction compression are not supported with Oracle GoldenGate Extract.

  • MySQL databases enabled with binary log encryption are not supported with Oracle GoldenGate Extract.

Database Storage Engine

Requirements for the database storage engine are as follows:

  • Oracle GoldenGate supports the InnoDB storage engine for a source MySQL database.

  • Oracle GoldenGate supports capture and apply from and to the InnoDB engine. Apply to MyISAM engine works, but there might be data integrity issues as MyISAM engine is non-transactional.

Database Character Set

MySQL provides a facility that allows users to specify different character sets at different levels.

Level Example


create database test charset utf8;


create table test( id int, name char(100)) charset utf8;


create table test ( id int, name1 char(100) charset gbk, name2 char(100) charset utf8));

Limitations of Support

  • Binary collations are not supported for multi-byte character sets. For example, do not set the collation_server variable equal to utf8mb4_bin when the character set is utf8mb4.

  • The following character sets are not supported:

    • armscii8
    • geostd8
    • keybcs2
    • utf16le

Set the Session Character Set

The Extract and Replicat processes use a session character set when connecting to the database from the command line interface (Admin Client). For MySQL, the session character set is taken from the SESSIONCHARSET option of the SOURCEDB and the TARGETDB parameters.

Make certain that you specify a session character set in one of these ways when you configure Oracle GoldenGate.