Specifying Object Names

Oracle GoldenGate commands and parameters support input in the form of SQL names, native names in the format of library_name/file_name(member_name), or a mix of the two. If a native file system name does not include the member name, all members are implicitly selected by the Oracle GoldenGate process. For a SQL name only the first member is used.

To support case sensitivity of double quoted object names, specify those names within double quotes in the Oracle GoldenGate parameter files. This is true of both SQL and native file system names.

When specifying a native table name in a MAP statement on a platform other than DB2 for i, the name must be enclosed within double quotes so that Oracle GoldenGate correctly interprets it as a separator character.

For consistency of terminology in other administrative and reference Oracle GoldenGate documentation, the SQL terms "schema" and "table" are used to reference the containers for the DB2 for i data, as shown here.

Table 4-1 Native-SQL object name relationships

Native SQL Notes


(maximum length 10)


(maximum length 128)

The operating system creates a corresponding native name for a SQL-created schema.


(maximum length 10)


(maximum length 128)

The operating system creates a corresponding native name for a SQL-created table.


Not Applicable

Contains the actual data. Only the first member of a FILE object can be accessed through SQL. To access data in other members the native system name must be used.