Add a Replicat

Learn about the prerequisites to add a Replicat, select the approriate Replicat type, and the steps to add a Replicat.

Before you Add a Replicat

Before you add a Replicat, add a checkpoint table. After you connect to the database, you can create the checkpoint table by following these steps:

  1. From the Administration Service, go the Configuration page using the navigation pane.

  2. Click the + sign next to the Checkpoint section on the Database tab.

  3. Enter the checkpoint table name in the Checkpoint Table box. The table name must be a two-part or three-part value. For example, ggadmin.ggs_checkpointtable.

You can add the checkpoint table using the ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE command from the Admin Client.

Add a Checkpoint Table

Not valid for Replicat for Java, Oracle GoldenGate Applications Adapter, or Oracle GoldenGate for Big Data.

Use ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE to create a checkpoint table in the target database. Replicat uses the table to maintain a record of its read position in the trail for recovery purposes.

The use of a checkpoint table is strongly recommended, because it causes checkpoints to be part of the Replicat transaction. This allows Replicat to recover more easily in certain circumstances than when a checkpoint file alone is used. Parallel and Coordinated Replicats require checkpoint tables.

One table can serve as the default checkpoint table for all Replicat groups in an Oracle GoldenGate instance if you specify it with the CHECKPOINTTABLE parameter in a GLOBALS file. More than one instance of Oracle GoldenGate (multiple installations) can use the same checkpoint table. Oracle GoldenGate keeps track of the checkpoints even when the same Replicat group name exists in different instances.

Use the DBLOGIN command to establish a database connection before using this command. Do not change the names or attributes of the columns in this table. You may, however, change table storage attributes.

Admin Client Syntax

ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE [[container. | catalog.] owner.table]

The name cannot contain any special characters, such as quotes, backslash, dollar sign, and percent symbol. Record the name of the table, because you need it to view statistics or delete the table if needed.

The owner and name can be omitted if you are using this table as the default checkpoint table and it is listed with CHECKPOINTTABLE in the GLOBALS file. It is recommended, but not required, that the table be created in a schema dedicated to Oracle GoldenGate. If an owner and name are not specified, a default table is created based on the CHECKPOINTTABLE parameter in the GLOBALS parameter file.

Record the name of the table, because you will need it to view statistics or delete the table if needed.

Record the name of the checkpoint table as that will be used when you add a Replicat, or delete a Replicat and need to drop the checkpoint table using the DELETE CHECKPOINTTABLE command.

The default schema for the checkpoint table is controlled by the Oracle GoldenGate user that is defined for each deployment.


The following adds a checkpoint table with the default name specified in the GLOBALS file.


The following adds a checkpoint table with a user-defined name.

ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE ggadmin.ggs_checkpointtable

Add a Replicat

You can add Replicats for the target deployment from the Administration Service. Make sure that you have configured your deployments correctly, checked your database credentials, and created an Extract before you set up your Replicat. For details, see First Access to the Deployment from the Service Manager. Once you’ve set up your source and target deployment, you can create and run the Replicat by following these steps:

  1. From the Administration Service home page, click the + (plus) sign next to Replicats to start the Add Replicat wizard.
  2. Select a Replicat type from the Replicat Information screen.


    Some Replicat types are only available for certain databases. All Replicat types may not be applicable to your database.

    The types of Replicat are:

    • Parallel Replicat: If you select this option, then select an integrated or non-integrated parallel Replicat.

      • Integrated: This option appears when you select Parallel Replicat.

      • Non-Integrated: This option appears when you select Parallel Replicat.

    • Integrated Replicat

    • Non-integrated Replicat: This option is displayed with heterogeneous or non-Oracle databases.

    • Coordinated Replicat

    Select the type of Replicat and specify the following:

    • Process Name: The name of the Replicat process. For coordinated and parallel Replicats, the limit is 5 characters.

    • Description: Describes the Replicat process, text that can be entered and is longer than 5 or 8 characters to identify this process.

  3. Click Next. The Replicat Options screen is displayed.
  4. On the Replicat Options screen, specify the following:
    Replicat Options Screen Description

    Trail Name

    A two character trail name.

    Trail Subdirectory

    Where you want the trail information to be stored or the name of the log file. The default trail file location is the Oracle GoldenGate Data Home.

    Encryption Profile

    List of the available encryption profiles. If you have not created an encryption profile, then the Local Wallet profile would be selected, by default.

    Credential Domain

    Select a domain for the target endpoint.


    Select an alias for the target database.

    Checkpoint Table

    Set the use of an existing checkpoint table.


    From where you want the Replicat to start. The following three options are available:
    • Position in Log

    • Now

    • Custom Time

    Now is the default option.

    Custom Time

    The Date and Timezone options appear when you select the Custom Time option from the Begin drop-down list.

    Specify the date and timezone as per your requirement, for Replicat to start.

    Transaction Log Sequence Number

    Set the log file number of the log file that contains the START TRANSACTION record for the transaction you are creating.

    Transaction Log RBA Offset

    Set the record offset of the log file you specified.

    Max Threads Number

    Valid for Coordinated Replicat.

    Set a hard limit for the maximum number of active threads that can run simultaneously or use the 25 threads default.

  5. Click Next. The Managed Options screen is displayed.
  6. On the Managed Options screen, specify the following options:
    Option Description

    Profile Name

    Provides the name of the autostart and autorestart profile. You can select the default or custom options.

    If you have already created a profile, then you can select that profile also. If you select the Custom option, then you can set up a new profile from this section itself.

    Critical to deployment health

    (Oracle only) Enable this option if the profile is critical for the deployment health.


    This option only appears while creating the Extract or Replicat and not when you set up the managed processes in the Profiles page.

    Auto Start

    Enables autostart for the process

    Startup Delay

    Time to wait in seconds before starting the process

    Auto Restart

    Configures how to restart the process if it terminates

    Max Retries

    Specify the maximum number of retries to try to start the process

    Retry Delay

    Delay time in trying to start the process

    Retries Window

    The duration interval to try to start the process

    Restart on Failure only

    If true, the task is only restarted if it fails.

    Disable Task After Retries Exhausted

    If true, then the task is disabled after exhausting all attempts to restart the process.

  7. Click Next. The Parameter File screen is displayed.
  8. On the Parameters File screen, enter the basic parameters for setting up a Replicat. By default, the Parameter File text contains some parameters, which can be customized as required.
    REPLICAT repe 
    USERIDALIAS ggwest DOMAIN OracleGoldenGate 
    DDLERROR default discard 
    REPERROR (default,discard) 
    MAP hr.*, TARGET hr.*;
  9. Click Create and Run to start the Replicat after adding it. Click Create to simply add the Replicat but not start it immediately after being created.

Additional Parameters for Different Replicat Modes

Configure a Replicat parameter file to configure Replicat against a pluggable database. Replicat can operate in any mode within a pluggable database. These steps configure the Replicat parameter file.
  1. On the target system, create the Replicat parameter file using Oracle GoldenGate command line interface.

    EDIT PARAMS groupname

    Where: name is the name of the Replicat group.

  2. Enter the Replicat parameters in the order shown, starting a new line for each parameter statement.
    Here is the sample Replicat parameter file:
    REPLICAT repe
    USERIDALIAS ggeast DOMAIN OracleGoldenGate
    -- In case of Parallel Replicat:
    -- In case of Integrated Replicat:
    DDLERROR default discard
    REPERROR (default,discard)

    Parameter Description

    REPLICAT group

    group is the name of the Replicat group.


    Specifies the alias of the database login credential of the user that is assigned to Replicat. This credential must exist in the Oracle GoldenGate credential store.


    This parameter specification applies to Replicat in integrated mode. It specifies optional parameters for the inbound server.

    MAP [container.]schema.object | library/file | library/file(member), TARGET [container.]schema.object | library/file | library/file(member);

    Specifies the relationship between a source table or sequence, or multiple objects, and the corresponding target object or objects.

    • MAP specifies the source table or sequence, or a wildcarded set of objects.
    • TARGET specifies the target table or sequence or a wildcarded set of objects.
    • container is the name of a container, if the source database is a multitenant container database.
    • schema is the schema name or a wildcarded set of schemas.
    • object is the name of a table or sequence, or a wildcarded set of objects.
    • library is the IBM i library name or a wildcarded set of libraries.
    • file is the IBM i physical file name or a wildcarded set of physical files.
    • member is the IBM i physical file member name or a wildcarded set of member names. When using the IBM i native name format (library/file with optional member) the only valid wildcards are a name with at least one valid character followed by a trailing asterisk (*) or *ALL which matches any name.


      The member name is optional, and must be provided if the member names are required to be written in the trail as part of the object name. Without member names all members in a physical file be implicitly merged as a single object in the trail.

    Terminate this parameter statement with a semi-colon.

    To exclude objects from a wildcard specification, use the MAPEXCLUDE parameter.

  3. If using integrated Replicat or parallel Replicat in integrated mode, add the following parameters to the Extract parameter file:
    • LOGALLSUPCOLS: This is a default option, which is preset for the Replicat parameter. This parameter ensures the capture of the supplementally logged columns in the before image. It's the default parameter and shouldn't be turned off or disabled. It is valid for any source database that is supported by Oracle GoldenGate. For Extract versions older than 12c, you can use GETUPDATEBEFORES and NOCOMPRESSDELETES parameters to satisfy the same requirement. The database must be configured to log the before and after values of the primary key, unique indexes, and foreign keys.

    • The UPDATERECORDFORMAT parameter set to COMPACT: This is a default option, which is preset for the Replicat parameter. This setting causes Extract to combine the before and after images of an UPDATE operation into a single record in the trail. This is the default option and it is recommended that you don't change the default setting.

  4. Enter any optional Replicat parameters that are recommended for your configuration. You can edit this file at any point before starting processing by using the EDIT PARAMS command.
  5. Save and close the file.