Manage Target-Initiated Distribution Paths

Learn about managing target-initiated distribution paths.

Target-initiated distribution can be configured from the Receiver Service and also from the Distribution Service.

Reviewing Receiver Service Path Information

You can constantly monitor the activity of a path from the Receiver Service Process Information page.

  • Network Statistics: The network statistics information includes details such as target trail file name, port number, total messages written out, and so on. You can use this information to go back to the Distribution Service and tune the network parameters, if required.

  • File IO Statistics: The file IO statistics include total bytes read and total idle time.

Receiver Path Statistics

To review and edit the Receiver Path statistics, click the name of the Receiver Path from the left-navigation pane of the Receiver Service home page. You'll be able to view the following statistics related to the selected Receiver Path:

  • LCR Table: This includes the type of LCR and the current value of the the LCR.

  • DDL Table: This includes the type of transaction, DDL or DML and displays the number of Inserts, Updates, Upserts, and Deletes performed.

  • Statistics Table: This includes statistical details of the path including the number of LCR read and LCR sent values. You can also search for specific entries from this table by using the Serach box.

Access Distribution Path Network Statistics from the Receiver Service

From the Receiver Service, you can monitor the network statistics and File input-output statistics of the associated distribution paths. To view the network statistics of a distribution path:
  1. From the left navigation pane, click Distribution Paths and select Network Statistics.

  2. Refresh the Network Statistics page if you don't see the latest information on the page.

The Network Statistics for distribution path include the following details:
  • Target trail file name.

  • Source host name for the distribution path.

  • Transfer protocol for the distribution path. Options include ogg, wss, and ws.

  • Port number of the Distribution Service.

  • Total bytes received.

  • Total bytes written out

  • Total messages received

  • Total messages written out

  • Waiting time for writing messages

  • Waiting time for receiving messages

  • File IO Statistics including total bytes read, total bytes written to file, total idle time.