Use the Discard File

By default, a discard file is generated whenever a process is started with the START command. The discard file captures information about Oracle GoldenGate operations that failed. This information can help you resolve data errors, such as those that involve invalid column mapping.

The discard file reports such information as:

  • The database error message

  • The sequence number of the data source or trail file

  • The relative byte address of the record in the data source or trail file

  • The details of the discarded operation, such as column values of a DML statement or the text of a DDL statement.

To view the discard file, use a text editor or use the VIEW REPORT command in Admin Client.

The default discard file has the following properties:

  • The file is named after the process that creates it, with a default extension of .dsc. Example: finance.dsc.

  • The file is created in the dirrpt sub-directory of the Oracle GoldenGate installation directory.

  • The maximum file size is 50 megabytes.

  • At startup, if a discard file exists, it is purged before new data is written.

You can change these properties by using the DISCARDFILE parameter. You can disable the use of a discard file by using the NODISCARDFILE parameter.

If a process is started from the command line of the operating system, it does not generate a discard file by default. You can use the DISCARDFILE parameter to specify the use of a discard file and its properties.

Once created, a discard file must remain in its original location for Oracle GoldenGate to operate properly after processing has started.