Use the Error Log

Use the Oracle GoldenGate error log to view:

  • a history of commands

  • Oracle GoldenGate processes that started and stopped

  • processing that was performed

  • errors that occurred

  • informational and warning messages

Because the error log shows events as they occurred in sequence, it is a good tool for detecting the cause (or causes) of an error. For example, you might discover that:

  • someone stopped a process

  • a process failed to make a TCP/IP or database connection

  • a process could not open a file

To view the error log, use any of the following:

  • Standard shell command to view the ggserr.log file within the root Oracle GoldenGate directory

  • VIEW GGSEVT command.

You can control the ggserr.log file behavior to:

  • Roll over the file when it reaches a maximum size, which is the default to avoid disk space issues.

  • All messages are appended to the file by all processes without regard to disk space.

  • Disable the file.

  • Route messages to another destination, such as the system log.

This behavior is controlled and described in the ogg-ggserr.xml file in one of the following locations: 

Microservices Architecture