Use ADD EXTRACT to create a source database capture process, known as an Extract. The Extract can be created as a change data Extract, which captures current transactions from the database log or through other means depending on the database vendor, or it can be created as an initial load Extract, which will capture the records that exist in the database tables.

It is recommended to create only one change data or one initial load Extract per source database, however in rare situations, it may improve capture throughput by using multiple Extracts per database.

Oracle GoldenGate can support a large number of concurrent Extract and Replicat processes per deployment, depending on the resources available with the operating system. However, it is recommended to monitor system resources as more Extract or Replicat processes get added, and to keep the total number of processes per deployment to 300 or less.


  • This command cannot exceed 500 bytes in size for all keywords and input, including any text that you enter for the DESC option.

  • For Db2 for i, this command establishes a global start point for all journals and is a required first step. After issuing the ADD EXTRACT command, you can then optionally position any given journal at a specific journal sequence number by using the ALTER EXTRACT command with an appropriate journal option.

  • For Oracle and PostgreSQL databases, establish a connection to the source database using DBLOGIN USERIDALIAS and then issue the REGISTER EXTRACT command before adding the Extract. For details, see REGISTER EXTRACT


DELETE EXTRACT group_name [!]

The name of an Extract group or a wildcard specification (*) to specify multiple groups. For example, T* deletes all Extract groups whose names start with T.


(Exclamation point) Deletes all Extract groups associated with a wildcard without prompting.