Update an existing Oracle GoldenGate Data Stream configuration



Required Role: Administrator

Update an existing Oracle GoldenGate Data Stream configuration


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Body ()
Root Schema : Oracle GoldenGate Data Streaming Resource Configuration
Type: object
Title: Oracle GoldenGate Data Streaming Resource Configuration
This schema describes the configuration of a data streaming resource.
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Nested Schema : encoding
data encoding method
Default Value: json
Match One
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Nested Schema : rules
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 1
Maximum Number of Items: 1024
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Nested Schema : source
Type: object
source endpoint of the data stream.
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  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 4096
    The path where trail data is stored
  • Minimum Length: 2
    Maximum Length: 512
    Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z0-9_#$/-]*$
    The name of the trail
Nested Schema : encoding-x-oneOf[0]
Type: object
json encoding configuration
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Nested Schema : json
Type: object
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Nested Schema : metaFields
Type: object
specifies metadata to include in records
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Nested Schema : operationStrings
Type: object
operation type string values
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Nested Schema : staticFields
Type: object
specifies fields with static values in records
Nested Schema : catalog
Default Value: false
Match One
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Nested Schema : csn
Default Value: false
Match One
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Nested Schema : currentTs
Default Value: false
Match One
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Nested Schema : currentTsMicroSecs
Default Value: false
Match One
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Nested Schema : env
Default Value: oracle.doceng.json.BetterJsonNull@261d8190
Match One
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Nested Schema : opSeqno
Default Value: false
Match One
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Nested Schema : opTs
Default Value: true
Match One
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Nested Schema : opTsMicroSecs
Default Value: false
Match One
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Nested Schema : opType
Default Value: true
Match One
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Nested Schema : pos
Default Value: true
Match One
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Nested Schema : primaryKeys
Default Value: false
Match One
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Nested Schema : qualifiedTable
Default Value: true
Match One
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Nested Schema : schema
Default Value: false
Match One
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Nested Schema : sys
Default Value: oracle.doceng.json.BetterJsonNull@7fcff1b9
Match One
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Nested Schema : table
Default Value: false
Match One
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Nested Schema : tokens
Default Value: oracle.doceng.json.BetterJsonNull@607b2792
Match One
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Nested Schema : transInd
Default Value: false
Match One
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Nested Schema : xid
Default Value: true
Match One
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Nested Schema : env-x-oneOf[1]
Type: object
Nested Schema : sys-x-oneOf[1]
Type: object
Nested Schema : tokens-x-oneOf[1]
Type: object
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
data streaming rule
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Nested Schema : filter
data streams rule filter
Match One
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Nested Schema : filter-x-oneOf[0]
Type: object
data record object names
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Nested Schema : filter-x-oneOf[1]
Type: object
data record operation types
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Nested Schema : filter-x-oneOf[2]
Type: object
data record column values
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Nested Schema : filter-x-oneOf[3]
Type: object
data record tags
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Nested Schema : filter-x-oneOf[4]
Type: object
data record partition names
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Nested Schema : filter-x-oneOf[5]
Type: object
data record user tokens
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Nested Schema : objectNames
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 1
Maximum Number of Items: 65535
set of object names
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  • items
    Qualified table name where any name component may contain wildcard characters
Nested Schema : items
Qualified table name where any name component may contain wildcard characters
Match Any
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  • Minimum Length: 3
    Maximum Length: 261
    Pattern: ^([^."]{1,128}|["].{1,128}["])[.]([^."]{1,128}|["].{1,128}["])$
  • Minimum Length: 5
    Maximum Length: 392
    Pattern: ^([^."]{1,128}|["].{1,128}["])[.]([^."]{1,128}|["].{1,128}["])[.]([^."]{1,128}|["].{1,128}["])$
Nested Schema : operationTypes
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 1
Maximum Number of Items: 6
set of operation types
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  • Allowed Values: [ "DML", "DDL", "INSERT", "UPDATE", "UPSERT", "DELETE" ]
Nested Schema : columnValues
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 1
Maximum Number of Items: 65535
set of column values
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Nested Schema : items
Type: object
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  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 130
    Pattern: ^([^.*?"]{1,128}|["].{1,128}["])$
    name of the column
  • columnValue
    column data, currently only support char and binary integer type
  • Default Value: before
    Allowed Values: [ "before", "after" ]
    before or after column image. INSERT only has after image and DELETE only has before image, applies to cases where both before and after images are available.
  • Default Value: equalTo
    Allowed Values: [ "equalTo", "notEqualTo", "lessThan", "lessThanOrEqualTo", "greaterThan", "greaterThanOrEqualTo" ]
    comparison operator
  • tableName
    name of the table in which the column(s) reside
Nested Schema : columnValue
column data, currently only support char and binary integer type
Match One
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Nested Schema : tableName
name of the table in which the column(s) reside
Match Any
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  • Minimum Length: 3
    Maximum Length: 261
    Pattern: ^([^."]{1,128}|["].{1,128}["])[.]([^."]{1,128}|["].{1,128}["])$
  • Minimum Length: 5
    Maximum Length: 392
    Pattern: ^([^."]{1,128}|["].{1,128}["])[.]([^."]{1,128}|["].{1,128}["])[.]([^."]{1,128}|["].{1,128}["])$
Nested Schema : tags
set of binary tags
Match One
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  • tags-x-oneOf[0]
    Minimum Number of Items: 1
    Maximum Number of Items: 32767
  • Allowed Values: [ "all", "none" ]
Nested Schema : tags-x-oneOf[0]
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 1
Maximum Number of Items: 32767
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Nested Schema : items
Match One
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Nested Schema : items-x-oneOf[0]
Type: object
Binary string representing the tag value.
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Nested Schema : items-x-oneOf[1]
Type: object
Hexdecimal string representing the tag value.
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Nested Schema : items-x-oneOf[2]
Type: object
binary tag bitmask value, bitwise AND operation will be performed against the tag associated with the LCR.
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  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 2000
    Pattern: ^[01]{1,2000}$
    binary string representing the tag mask value.
Nested Schema : items-x-oneOf[3]
Type: object
Hexdecimal tag bitmask value, bitwise AND operation will be performed against the tag associated with the LCR.
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  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 2000
    Pattern: ^[A-Fa-f0-9]{1,2000}$
    Hexdecimal string representing the tag mask value.
Nested Schema : partitionNames
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 1
Maximum Number of Items: 65535
set of partition names
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  • items
    Qualified partition name where any name component may contain wildcard characters
Nested Schema : items
Qualified partition name where any name component may contain wildcard characters
Match Any
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  • Minimum Length: 7
    Maximum Length: 523
    Pattern: ^([^."]{1,128}|["].{1,128}["])[.]([^."]{1,128}|["].{1,128}["])[.]([^."]{1,128}|["].{1,128}["])[.]([^."]{1,128}|["].{1,128}["])$
  • Minimum Length: 5
    Maximum Length: 392
    Pattern: ^([^."]{1,128}|["].{1,128}["])[.]([^."]{1,128}|["].{1,128}["])[.]([^."]{1,128}|["].{1,128}["])$
Nested Schema : userTokens
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 1
Maximum Number of Items: 65535
set of user tokens
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Nested Schema : items
Type: object
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  • Default Value: exactCaseSensistive
    Allowed Values: [ "exactCaseSensitive", "exactCaseInsensitive", "partialCaseSensitive", "partialCaseInsensitive" ]
    how to match the filter value
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 30
    user token name
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 32767
    user token value
Example Request (application/json)
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : RESTful API Standard Response
Type: object
Title: RESTful API Standard Response
Standard Response for all Oracle GoldenGate RESTful API calls
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Nested Schema : messages
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 0
Maximum Number of Items: 65535
Oracle GoldenGate messages issued during the request
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Nested Schema : response
Type: object
Oracle GoldenGate document from the request
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
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  • Allowed Values: [ "ogg:message" ]
  • Minimum Length: 9
    Maximum Length: 9
    Pattern: ^OGG[-][0-9]{5}$
    The Oracle GoldenGate message code
  • Minimum Length: 20
    Maximum Length: 32
    Pattern: ^[0-9]{4}[-](0[1-9]|1[0-2])[-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[tT ]([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]:([0-5][0-9]|60)([.][0-9]{1,6})?([zZ]|[+-][0-9][0-9]:[0-5][0-9])$
    The date and time that the message was issued
  • Allowed Values: [ "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR" ]
    The severity of the message
  • Minimum Length: 1
    Maximum Length: 4095
    A human-readable description that provides information and detail specific to this occurence of the information, warning or error.
  • Minimum Length: 2
    Maximum Length: 4095
    Pattern: ^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+-.]*:[^ \t]*$
    An absolute URI [RFC3986] to a page that describes the info, warning or error type.
Example Response (application/json)
            "title":"The data stream 'mystream1' has been updated.",
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