Valid For



Use ALLOWNOOPUPDATES and NOALLOWNOOPUPDATES to control how Replicat responds to a no-op operation. A no-op operation is one in which there is no effect on the target table. The following are some examples of how this can occur.

  • The source table has a column that does not exist in the target table, or it has a column that was excluded from replication (with a COLSEXCEPT clause). In either case, if that source column is updated, there will be no target column name to use in the SET clause within the Replicat SQL statement.

  • An update is made that sets a column to the same value as the current one. The database does not log the new value, because it did not change. However, Oracle GoldenGate captures the operation as a change record because the primary key was logged, but there is no column value for the SET clause in the Replicat SQL statement.

When NOALLOWNOOPUPDATES is used, Replicat only abends if the source and target tables do not have a key defined, or the Replicat does not use KEYCOLS. In such cases, wherein the target table has no unique key defined and an update operation is carried out on any of the source columns, an error similar to the following occurs:

Encountered an update for target table TELLER, which has no unique key defined. KEYCOLS can be used to define a key. Use ALLOWNOOPUPDATES to process the update without applying it to the target database. Use APPLYNOOPUPDATES to force the update to be applied using all columns in both the SET and WHERE clause.

You can use the parameter APPLYNOOPUPDATES to force the UPDATE to be applied. APPLYNOOPUPDATES overrides ALLOWNOOPUPDATES. If both are specified, Replicat applies updates for which there are key columns for the source and target tables.

If ALLOWNOOPUPDATES is specified when the HANDLECOLLISIONS or INSERTMISSINGUPDATES parameter is being used, and if Oracle GoldenGate has all of the target key values, Oracle GoldenGate applies an UPDATE by using all of the columns of the table in the SET clause and the WHERE clause (invoking APPLYNOOPUPDATES behavior). This is necessary so that Oracle GoldenGate can determine whether the row is present or missing. If it is missing, Oracle GoldenGate converts the UPDATE to an INSERT.


