5.2.2 Discovering an Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in Microservices Instance using EM CLI

The discover_ggma Verb is used to discover Oracle GoldenGate Microservices targets.

For more information about the prerequisites to discover secure Microservices, see Prerequisites to Discover Secure Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Instances.


emcli discover_ggma
Path to the discovery input file. This file contains the following parameters:
  • host - Hostname of Oracle GoldenGate Service Manager. For example, host00smz.us.oracle.com
  • port - Port of Oracle GoldenGate Service Manager.
  • user - Username to connect to Oracle GoldenGate Service Manager. For example, oggmasmusr.
  • password - Password to connect to Oracle GoldenGate Service Manager.
  • agentURL - Enterprise Manager Agent URL. For example, https://host00uaz.us.oracle.com:3872/emd/main/.
Runs the verb in verbose mode for debugging purposes.
Runs discovery and displays the results. This does not add the targets.
Exit Codes
  • 0 - On success
  • Non-zero value - Verb processing was not successful.


emcli discover_ggma