5.1.1 Prerequisites to Discover Secure Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Instances

Ensure to upload the SSL certificate to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Agent which is used to discover and monitor the corresponding Oracle GoldenGate targets. When there are more Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) Agents monitoring multiple GoldenGate targets, then ensure that the corresponding SSL certificate of Oracle GoldenGate is imported to the agents.

  • Go to the EMAgent location and run the emctl command for uploading the certificate. For example:
    ./emctl secure add_trust_cert_to_jks -password <password> -trust_certs_loc
        /<certification location>/rootCA_Cert.pem -alias <alias name of the certification>
    This command adds the certificate to the following: $EMAGENT_BASE_LOCATION/sysman/config/montrust/AgentTrust.jks.


    In case OCI GoldenGate Service Instance, you can view and download this certificate from the browser when logged into the Service Manager UI or Administration Service UI.