5.1.3 Discovering an Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in Microservices Instance

Ensure that the plug-in has already been imported to the Enterprise Manager Cloud Control and deployed to the management agent.

You can discover Oracle GoldenGate Microservices target as well as secure Microservices targets. See Prerequisites to Discover Secure Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Instances.

To discover a Microservices Instance of the Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in:

  1. After logging in to the Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in, on the main page, select Setup, click Add Target, and then select Configure Auto Discovery to display the Setup Discovery page.
  2. In Setup Discovery page, on the Targets tab, select a target and then click Discovery Modules to configure the discovery modules.
  3. In the Discovery Module page that is displayed, select the Oracle GoldenGate Microservices check box.
  4. Click Edit Parameters to display the Edit Parameters: Oracle GoldenGate dialog box.
  5. Enter the following Service Manager information required to connect to Oracle GoldenGate:
    • Host Name: Enter the Service Manager hostname or Host name for OCI GoldenGate Service instance. For example: svrmgr.us.oracle.com.
    • User Name: Enter the User Name to connect to the Service Manager (or User Name of OCI GoldenGate Service instance).
    • Password: Enter the Service Manager Password (or Password for OCI GoldenGate Service instance).
    • Port: Enter Service Manager Port or port to connect to OCI GoldenGate Service instance, for example, 443.
    • Target Name Prefix: Enter the target name prefix. For example, test_env_orcl_src. The target name prefix is appended with colon (":") and this gets prefixed to all target names. For example, test_env_orcl_src:targetName. This is an optional field.
  6. Click OK when finished in the Edit Parameters page.
  7. Click OK to go back to the Setup Discovery page.
  8. Select the target host and then click Discover Now to discover targets, and click Yes in the Discover Now confirmation dialog box.
  9. After the discovery is successful, click Close in the Confirmation dialog box.
  10. To view the discovery logs in case of an error occurrence, select the target, click Diagnostic Details, select Oracle GoldenGate Microservices, and the click Log from Agent.
You need to promote these discovered targets now. See Promoting Oracle GoldenGate Targets.
For more information about troubleshooting Discovery-related issues, see Troubleshooting Discovery.