1.2 Architecture of Enterprise Manager Plug-in for Oracle GoldenGate

The Oracle GoldenGate Management Pack extends the common product architecture across both the products, the GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in and GoldenGate Monitor.

Figure 1-1 Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in Architecture

Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in Architecture

Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager (OEM) Plug-in

The Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in coordinates the monitoring of multiple Oracle GoldenGate instances (Classic and Microservices). The Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manage Plug-In processes information from the Oracle Enterprise Manager Agent, which in turn gets the information either from Oracle GoldenGate Monitor agents (if Classic instance) or from Oracle GoldenGate REST APIs (in case of Microservices architecture).

You do not have to install the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent, if the GoldenGate Microservices Instance is being monitored. The Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in is tightly integrated with the Enterprise Manager to leverage various functionalities, such as incident and alerts, maintenance black-outs, manages users, history, the display of information, and notifications triggered by events. The communication between Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in and Enterprise Manager Agent can be secured using SSL communication.

Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent

The Performance Metrics Server for each Oracle GoldenGate Classic instance is associated with an Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent that supplies information about the Oracle GoldenGate Classic instance to the Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in through the Enterprise Manager Agent.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Agent (OEM or EM Agent)

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Agent (EM Agent) is an integral software component that enables you to convert an unmanaged host to a managed host in the Enterprise Manager system. The EM Agent is a software component that monitors targets running on hosts and communicates that information to the middle-tier Oracle Management Service (OMS). It works in conjunction with the plug-ins to monitor the targets running on that managed host.


In the Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in Architecture diagram shown above, the EM agent runs on the same server as the Oracle GoldenGate instance. However, the OEM Agent can either run locally or remotely.

Performance Metrics Server

In Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture, the Performance Metrics Server (PM Server) provides a dashboard view as well as a detailed view of status changes, and statistical data of the servers’ performance. They are represented through statistical charts and real-time data. The Performance Metrics Server uses the metrics service to collect and store instance deployment performance results. All the servers and processes of the Microservices Architecture can be monitored at drill-down levels to allow trend monitoring and statistical analysis of data. The Performance Metrics Server offers these detailed views with graphical representations of statistical data in real-time.

The Performance Metric Server in a Classic architecture does the same work of collecting the metrics of all the Oracle GoldenGate processes and shares them with the Monitor agent. The Classic architecture does not support GUI; therefore, the Performance Metrics Server does not offer graphical representations of statistical data in real-time.

Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager (OEM) Plug-in Repository

The Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager (OEM) Plug-in uses a database as a central repository which can be purged at a user- controlled interval. This repository stores information about users’ access privileges to Oracle GoldenGate instances, process statuses, monitoring points, alerts, and additional information.