9.4 Log Tab

For targets, such as Extract and Replicat, the Log tab contains the following: Report, Discards, and Events. The Log tab is valid only for Extract and Replicat and not for the rest of the targets.


The Report tab contains a list of reports generated for the selected target type. The files have an extension of .rpt. These report files contain details of the targets, such as target directories, database versions, parameters they run on, and recovery parameters.


If there are any discard files specified in the parameter files and the file exists in Oracle GoldenGate Core, then these files are also displayed in the Discards tab as a list of Discard Files. You can specify the names of the folder, files, or file extensions of your choice. The default discard files are read from the dirrpt folder, for example, dirrpt/processName*.dsc. Note that the file name is an absolute path of the discard file or path related to the OGGCORE location and file extension can be any of the following: .txt, .discard, or .dsc. You can specify multiple discard files as follows:
For more information about the Events tab, see Events Tab.