Manage connections

Learn about connection management tasks including how to edit, clone, and delete connections.

View connection details

Select a connection from the Database connections page to view its details. On the Connection details page, you can:
  • View connection details such as:
    • Connection name, description, when it was created, and when it was last updated
    • Database type, hostname, port, username, connector, and connection type
    • Connection role (source or target)
  • Edit the connection details
  • Validate the connection details
  • Clone the connection
  • Delete the connection

Edit a connection

To edit a connection:
  1. On the Database connections page, select a connection to edit. You're brought to the connection's detail page.
  2. On the connection's detail page, click Edit.
  3. In the Configure Database Connection Configuration panel, review the connection settings, make your updates, and then click Next to progress though the Edit connection pages.
  4. Click Save changes.

Clone a connection

To clone a connection:
  1. On the Database connections page, select the connection to clone. You're brought to the connection's details page.
  2. On the connection details page, click Clone.
You're brought back to the Database connections page, where the cloned connection appears in the list.

Validate a connection

If you create a connection without completing the database validation, then you must validate the connection before you can use it in a pipeline.
To validate a connection:
  1. On the Database connections page, open the Actions menu (ellipsis icon) for the connection to validate.
  2. From the Action menu, select Validate.

    You're brought to the Validate configuration page of the Configure database connection panel.

  3. On the Validate configuration screen, click Validate.


    This action ensures that your database is accessible and ready for GoldenGate to use.

    If the service name or password provided is incorrect, then action must be taken by your database administrator to update and run the database configuration script. Learn more about the script.

  4. After the test completes successfully, click Cancel to exit the panel.
You're brought back to the Database connections page.

Delete a connection

Before you delete a connection, ensure that the connection is not currently in use by an active pipeline.
To delete a connection:
  1. On the Database connections page, select the connection to delete. You're brought to the connection details page.
  2. On the connection details page, click Delete.
  3. In the Delete connection dialog, confirm that you want to delete the connection, and then click Delete.
The Database connections list is refreshed and the deleted connection removed. You cannot undo a delete operation.