4.4 Copy the SSL Certificate Files


This step is required only if the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent is running in SSL mode.

Go to the OGG_AGENT_INST_HOME/dircrt and copy the Keystore and Truststore files.

After copying the keystore and truststore files, do the following:

  1. Using the pw_agent_util.sh (or .bat, on Windows) utility, update the wallet with keystore and truststore passwords, as described in "Updating Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent Passwords" .
  2. Update the jagent.keystore and jagent.truststore values in the config.properties file; for example:


If you are using a self-signed certificate, you can use the same file for both keystore file and truststore. If you are using a third-party signed certificate, you need to update your property file with the appropriate keystore and trust store files.