4.1 Create the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent Instance

  1. Go to the directory that contains the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent creation script, createMonitorAgentInstance.sh. For example:
  2. Run the script:
    For this Operating System Use this command


    $ ./createMonitorAgentInstance.sh


    C:\ createMonitorAgentInstance.bat

    The system responds:

    Please enter absolute path of Oracle GoldenGate home directory : 
  3. Enter the absolute path to your Oracle GoldenGate home directory. For example, /u01/ogg/replication/oggcore1.

    The system responds:

    Please enter absolute path of OGG Agent instance : 
  4. Enter the directory that contains your Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent instance, which can be an existing directory. For example, /u01/ogg/agents/oggmon/agent1. This directory should be different than the Oracle GoldenGate home directory to avoid overwriting your Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent JAR and configuration files the next time you install or patch Oracle GoldenGate. This directory must also be outside of OGG_AGENT_BASE_HOME directory to support patching. This directory will be referred as OGG_AGENT_INST_HOME in the following sections.


    For Windows, you must ensure that you provide the absolute JDK8 directory path explicitly or the Monitor Agent cannot connect to the Monitor server. This directory path can also be defined in the jagent.prm file.

    The Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent Instance directory can be an existing directory location. In that case, you are prompted:

    OGG Agent instance directory already exists, do you want to overwrite the contents (yes | no)". 

    If you choose yes, the execution of the script will continue and all the contents related to Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent will be overwritten on that location. If you choose no, the execution of the script will stop.

    The system responds:

    Please enter unique name to replace timestamp in startMonitorAgent script.
  5. Enter the unique name that you want to replace the timestamp in the startMonitorAgent.sh script file.

You can create additional instances using this same process though you must ensure that you create them in unique directories. For example, you can point a new Monitor Agent instance to the same Oracle GoldenGate Instance directory (such as, /u01/ogg/replication/oggcore1) or a different Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent Instance, and the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent Instance directory must always be a new directory (such as, /u01/ogg/agents/oggmon/agent2). The Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent reports Oracle GoldenGate monitoring statistics to the Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Server based on how it is configured.


Ensure that for Oracle GoldenGate 12.3.x, the minimum required JAgent version is