4.8 Starting Multiple Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Instances

To monitor the Oracle GoldenGate Core instance through Oracle GoldenGate Monitor and Oracle GoldenGate Enterprise Manager Plug-in, multiple Oracle GoldenGate Monitor instances can be installed.

To run multiple Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent Instances from a single install Oracle GoldenGate Core instance:

  1. Install the Oracle GoldenGate Core product.

  2. Install standalone Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent instance 1 pointing to Oracle GoldenGate Core Instance. You can set the mode=OEM.

  3. Configure Oracle GoldenGate Agent properties (Config.properties) as required for OGGPLG which is under OGG_AGENT_HOME1/cfg directory.

    • The absolute path of Oracle GoldenGate home directory: OGG_CORE_HOME

    • absolute path of first OGG Agent instance directory: OGG_AGENT_HOME1

  4. Change the mgr.host to the host name of the machine where Manager is running and mgr.port to the mgr port of the OGGCORE instance.

  5. Make a copy of the JAVA command from OGG Core instance which is available in OGG_CORE_HOME/dirprm/jagent.prm file.

  6. Create a standalone Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent Instance 2 pointing to the same Oracle GoldenGate Core Instance You can set the mode =OGGMON.

    • The absolute path of Oracle GoldenGate home directory: OGG_CORE_HOME

    • The absolute path of second OGG Agent instance directory: OGG_AGENT_HOME2


    If the jagent.prm is already exists under OGG_CORE_HOME/dirprm/ the jagent.prm file will be replaced with the latest jagent.prm file.

  7. Configure Oracle GoldenGate Agent properties (Config.properties) as need for Monitor 12.1.3 which is under OGG_AGENT_HOME2/cfg directory.

  8. Start Oracle GoldenGate Monitor Agent instance 2 from GGSCI.

  9. Execute the Java command copied in step 5 for the Monitor agent instance 1 from OGG_AGENT_HOME1 folder created in step 3 or run the script startMonitorAgentInstance_*.sh present under OGG_AGENT_HOME2/bin from the OGG_CORE_HOME location for starting the Monitor agent instance 1.

    For example: OGG_AGENT_HOME2/bin/startMonitorAgentInstance_*.sh


    JAgent should be always be started from the OGG_CORE_HOME location because internally based on the usr.dir (the directory where Java was run) system property are used from setting the OGGC CORE location.