Description of the illustration cw_jdbc_test.gif

JDBC Component Schema Test — This screen comprises two panels.

On the left is a status tree that indicates the step in the installation process represented by the screen.

The right panel contains a three-column table that lists details about the component schema test. The column headings read, left to right, Status, Component Schema, and JDBC Connection URL. Each line is preceded first, by a check box then a check mark.

Beneath the table, on the left, is a button labeled Test Selected Connections. To the right of this button is another button, this one disabled, labeled Cancel Testing.

Beneath these button is a log displaying the connection results.

At the bottom of this panel is a space reserved for system messages. This space is blank.

At the bottom right of the screen is a Help button. At the bottom left are four buttons labeled, left to right, Back, Next, Finish, and Cancel. In this example, Finish is disabled.