Description of the illustration cw_man_svr.gif

Managed Servers — This screen comprises two panels.

On the left is a status tree that indicates the step in the installation process represented by the screen.

The right panel contains a six-column table that displays information about each managed server. In this example, there is only one managed server listed. The table columns are labeled Server Name, Listen Address, Listen Port, Enable SSL (which is a check box), SSL Listen POrt, and Server Groups, which contains a drop-down combo box. Above the table are four buttons: Add, Clone (disabled), Delete (disabled), and Discard Changes.

At the bottom of this panel is a space reserved for system messages. This space is blank.

At the bottom right of the screen is a Help button. At the bottom left are four buttons labeled, left to right, Back, Next, Finish, and Cancel. In this example, Finish is disabled.