Description of the illustration pre_req_checks.gif

Prerequisite Checks — This screen indicates that installation prerequisites are met. This screen comprises two panels.

On the left is a progress tree that identifies the step in the installation process the screen represents.

On the right is a table that identifies a prerequisite and displays a check mark to indicate when each prerequisite is met.

Beneath the table, on the right side of the panel, are three buttons labeled, left to right, Stop, Rerun, and Skip. Further to the right of these buttons is a check box labeled View successful tasks. To the right of this check box is a button labeled View Log.

Beneath the table is a section of the panel reserved for system messages. In this example, it contains two lines of text.

At the bottom right of the screen is a Help button. At the bottom left are four buttons labeled, left to right, Back, Next, Finish, and Cancel. In this example, Finish is disabled.