Valid for



Use GROUPTRANSOPS to group transactions when applying changes to the target database. Small transactions from the source database are grouped into a single large transaction on the target side, which can result in significant performance benefits. In general, GROUPTRANSOPS speeds up processing for smaller transaction sizes.

With GROUPTRANSOPS, the integrity of the original transaction is preserved at the target. GROUPTRANSOPS controls the frequency of checkpoints written to keep track of activity, minimizing I/O (a checkpoint is written and flushed to disk after each transaction completes).




GROUPTRANSOPS min_op_count

The minimum number of operations to be applied in a transaction. Avoid setting min_op_count to an arbitrarily high number as tests show that the benefits diminish after about 25-100 operations. Transactions commit before min_op_count when appropriate, such as when end-of-file is reached on the trail file.