Valid for



Use RMTHOST to identify the target system and TCP/IP port number for subsequent RMTBATCH, RMTFILE, or RMTTRAIL entries. You can make one or more RMTHOST entries to identify multiple target nodes. Only one entry is active at any time.

Specifying the Process Name

There are multiple ways to specify the TCPIPPROCESSNAME when the NonStop TCP/IP process name is not $ZTC0. When assigning a process name, the system selects the option to use based on this hierarchy:

  1. RMTHOST TCPIPPROCESSNAME option in the Extract parameter file

  2. Stand-alone parameter TCPIPPROCESSNAME entry in the Extract parameter file before the RMTHOST entry.

  3. DEFINE =TCPIP^PROCESS^NAME added before the Extract process was started


  5. MGR's entry for TCPIPPROCESSNAME when process is started from GGSCI

  6. Default $ZTC0

Using Streaming

By default Extract uses STREAMING and does not wait for a response from the remote host Collector before sending the next message. With STREAMING, Extract waits for a response only when it needs to checkpoint. It can potentially send multiple megabytes of data without waiting and therefore improve through-put.

Extract checks the remote Collector when using STREAMING. If the Collector does not support streaming, Extract reverts to waiting for a response before sending the next message. To always wait for a response before sending, specify NOSTREAMING.


RMTTASK does not allow STREAMING. If the RMTTASK parameter is used with the STREAMING option, STREAMING is disabled.

Identifying Static and Dynamic Collectors

RMTHOST can be used to identify a dynamic Collector that is started by the Manager or a static Collector that is defined and started by the user.

When using the static Collector method, the target computer must be running the Collector program before starting Extract.

When using the dynamic collector method, Extract requests Manager on the remote system to start a Collector process. In this case, Collector terminates itself when the connection is lost or Extract terminates. If network problems occur, Extract and Manager coordinate restart and retry efforts.


RMTHOST {host_name | ip_address} 
[, PORT port_number | MGRPORT port_number]
[, IPINTERFACE ip_address]
[, TCPIPPROCESSNAME process_name [@ip_address]]
[, TIMEOUT seconds]
[, dynamic_options]

The remote host name. If host_name is specified, do not specify ip_address


The IP address of the host. Either version (IPv4 or IPv6) of the address internet protocol is acceptable. If ip_address is specified, do not specify host_name.

PORT port_number

An optional argument specifying the port for the static Collector. The default port is 7819.

MGRPORT port_number

Used when Manager starts the dynamic Collector. Can be DEFAULT or the port number on which Manager is listening. The default port number is 7809. Do not specify a Collector port when Manager dynamically starts the Collector.

IPINTERFACE ip_address

Restricts Extract to the specified IP address.


Specifies whether Extract will wait for a response from the Collector before sending the next message.


Extract will wait for a response only when it needs to checkpoint, otherwise it will not wait before sending the next message. STREAMING is the default.


Use NOSTREAMING to turn off STREAMING and cause Extract to wait for a response before sending the next message.

TCPIPPROCESSNAME process_name @ip_address

process_name restricts Extract to the specified process name. The optional @ip_address can be used instead of IPINTERFACE to force the process to bind to a specified IP address.

TIMEOUT seconds

Specifies the number of seconds that Server Collector or an Initial Load Replicat should wait for a connection to be made. The allowed values are 20 to 300 seconds. 300 seconds is the default.


Forces the use of version 4 of the address internet protocol (IPv4) when both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols are configured and compatible.


Specifies options for a dynamic Collector. Can be any of:

CPU cpu_num

The CPU in which Manager will start the Collector process when NonStop is the target system.


Compresses outgoing blocks of extract records. The destination Collector decompresses the data stream before writing it to the remote file or remote trail. This typically results in compression ratios of at least 4:1 and sometimes much better. However, compression can require significant CPU resources.


Sets the minimum block size for which compression is to occur. The default for compression is 1000 blocks.


Encrypts the data stream sent to the remote host. The destination Collector decrypts the data stream before writing it to the remote file or remote trail. For details on the encryption algorithm, contact Oracle Golden Gate Support.

type is one of: NONE, GGS, or BLOWFISH. NONE specifies no encryption. GGS specifies a default key generated by Oracle GoldenGate. BLOWFISH specifies a user-defined key.

The destination Collector must be version 5.40 or above.

KEYNAME keyname

KEYNAME indicates the logical name of an encryption key to look up in the ENCYKEYS file. KEYNAME is required when ENCRYPT is set to BLOWFISH. The KEYNAME value is validated at startup of Extract or Collector, and if it is invalid, the process abends with an error message.

PARAMS "collector_parameters"

See the parameter description in "Collector Parameters". When the target system is NonStop, this parameter is rarely required.

PRI priority

The NonStop system priority at which Manager will start the collector process when the target is a NonStop system. Consult the HP NonStop documentation for more information about NonStop priorities.

NAME $process

Sends request to Manager to start a specific process as part of the RMTHOST startup request.


The following examples use different RMTHOST options to control the IP address.

Example 1

The following example sets an IP address using the TCPIPPROCESSNAME process_name@ option.

RMTHOST host01, MGRPORT 12345, &
TCPIPPROCESSNAME $ztc1@2001:db8:2010:5040:4fff:ffff:ffff:28

Example 2

The following example sets an IP address using the IPINTERFACE option.

RMTHOST host01, MGRPORT 12345, &
IPINTERFACE 2001:db8:2010:5040:4fff:ffff:ffff:28

Example 3

The following example forces use of the IPv4 address when both versions are configured.