Valid for



Use AUDSERVCPU to start the audit reading process on a different CPU from Extract. For example, AUDSERVCPU 1 starts Audserv for the master audit trail and any auxiliary trails in CPU 1. AUDSERVCPUS 3, 5, 6 starts Audserv for the master trail in CPU 3, for AUX01 in CPU 5, and for AUX02 in CPU 6.

Using AUDSERVCPU results in the constant gathering of audit while Extract performs its own processing. This technique can reduce batch run times by up to 20%.

When TMF uses auxiliary TMF audit trails, AUDSERVCPU can specify different processors for each Audserv process. If you specify fewer CPU than the number of master and auxiliary TMF audit trails, the last CPU specified is used as the default.

When you specify IGNOREAUXTRAILS, you should still specify AUDSERVCPU with the CPU for the ignored auxiliary trail as a placeholder for any subsequently included auxiliary trails.


The last CPU specified


AUDSERVCPU[S] cpu_num [, cpu_num...]

The CPU identifier.