Valid for



Use DYNAMICPARTITIONS if your environment dynamically partitions tables; this ensures all data is captured.

By default, Extract scans tables on startup to determine the base table, primary partition, and any secondary partitions containing data, so it can begin its captures. However, if your system dynamically creates another partition, Extract does not know it exists unless the process stops, starts, and conducts another scan.

Using the DYNAMICPARTITIONS parameter allows Extract to recognize additional secondary partitions without having to stop and restart. This means that any data stored in the newly-created partition will be captured as part of Extract's regular processing.

For example, Extract is set up to look at $DATA2.SQL.ACCOUNT, and includes DYNAMICPARTITIONS in its parameter file. $DATA2.SQL.ACCOUNT is a table with a single secondary partition, $DATA4.SQL.ACCOUNT. When Extract starts, it sees both $DATA2.SQL.ACCCOUNT and $DATA4.SQL.ACCOUNT, and records are captured from both. As processing continues, a new partition called $DATA6.SQL.ACCOUNT is created. Because the DYNAMICPARTITIONS parameter is specified, data stored in $DATA6.SQL.ACCOUNT is captured as well.


Do not use DYNAMICPARTITIONS if the same subvolume and file combination exists more than once in your system as primary partitions.


Not activated
