4 Field Conversion Functions

Learn how to use Oracle GoldenGate field conversion functions. These functions allow you to manipulate numbers, strings and source columns or field values into the appropriate format for target columns.
  • Working with columns

  • Working with dates

  • Working with numbers and arithmetic expressions

  • Working with conditional statements

  • Working with character and numerical strings

  • Working with stored procedures

  • Returning error and lag information


Use the @STRFIND function to determine the position of a string within a string column or else return zero if not found. Optionally, @STRFIND can accept a starting position to search within the string.


result = @STRFIND (string, "search_string" [, begin_position])

The string from which to extract. The string can be either the name of a column or a literal string. Enclose literals within quotes.


The string for which to search within the string. Enclose the search string within quotes.


The character position at which to begin searching.


Assuming the string for ACCT is ABC123ABC, the following are possible results.

result = @STRFIND (ACCT, "23") returns 5. 
result = @STRFIND (ACCT, "ZZ") returns 0. 
result = @STRFIND (ACCT, "ABC", 2) returns 7.