Oracle® Fusion Middleware

Release Notes for Oracle GoldenGate Studio

12c (


September 2019

Release Notes for Oracle GoldenGate Studio

This document describes the new features, major changes, and the known issues for the 12c ( release of Oracle GoldenGate Studio. It includes the following sections:

New and Changed Features

This topic discusses the new features that are being introduced in the release, features that have been enhanced, and changes to existing features:

Release — September 2019

  • Support for viewing and modifying the Java or the Big Data properties file from Oracle GoldenGate Studio is added.
  • Support for deploying the parameter files to a non-default location was added.
  • Support was added to access the report and ggserr.log files through Oracle GoldenGate Studio.
  • Added support for Oracle GoldenGate Classic and


  • Support for multi hub in hub-only and source-hub-target deployment template was added.


  • Added support for Oracle GoldenGate 12.3 classic.

  • Added support for Oracle GoldenGate MSSQL CDC.

  • Added support for altering the Oracle GoldenGate processes, such as the Extract and Replicat processes using the ALTER command.


  • Support for the use of an ampersand (&) with multiline parameters when using SQLEXEC was added. For example:

    SQLEXEC "Insert into SQL_SSYSTEM Select SXRSNXT_TIME_SEQ.nextval, cnt || '  records were relicated after ' || SXRSNXT_TIME_SEQ.currval * 3 || '  seconds',SYSDATE from (Select count(*) cnt from SXRSNXT_SQL_NOTOKENS)" EVERY  3 SECONDS &
  • The  Consolidation and Distribution solution templates are introduced.

  • Support for the DB2 LUW database replication was added.

  • The ability to scale Deployment profiles diagram information to one replication path (unidirectional or bidirectional) in the Deployment Profile Editor was added.

  • The ability to reverse engineer existing Oracle GoldenGate artifacts (parameter files, database objects) so that existing environment configuration can be created that can be further designed and deployed was added.

  • The REPERROR parameter with the TRANSABORT option is not supported.


  • Support for Big Data System and Teradata as target database.

  • Support for DB2 z/OS as source and target database.

  • Support for MySQL as repository database.

  • Support for Oracle Data Pump which enables very high-speed movement of data and metadata from one database to another.

  • Support for Automatic Coordination for Initial Load with Oracle GoldenGate CDC process.

  • Support for Consolidation of Capture where Oracle GoldenGate Studio generates a single capture for a single database. This result in performance improvement.

  • Support for single SUPERVISOR user. Oracle GoldenGate Studio support only one SUPERVISOR user that is created during repository creation is responsible for adding, modifying, and deleting other users. The SUPERVISOR user can access the Security Navigator window. Non SUPERVISOR users can only change their own password.


No new features were added in the release.


Support for heterogeneous database.

  • In this release Oracle, SQLServer, and MySQL are supported as source and target database.

Release — Initial Release

Initial Release

Prerequisites and Installation

Oracle GoldenGate Studio requires JAgent installation as Oracle GoldenGate Studio interacts with Oracle GoldenGate through JAgent. Also, for features like creating backup directories in goldengate dirtmp directory, JAgent should be in the same system as Oracle GoldenGate. All Oracle GoldenGate Installing and Configuring Guides that include installation prerequisites and instructions are found at

Corrected Problems

For questions on specific bugs or ticket numbers, consult Oracle Customer Support. SR is the Oracle Support SR number, and BugDB is the bug identification number.

Release — September 2019

Bug 27920014 - UNCHECK the START box, Replicat still started

This issue was fixed. If the Start option is not selected in the Deployment Configuration tab, then the Replicat process doesn't start.

Bug 29028982 - Can't configure TRANLOGOPTIONS DBLOGREADER through Golden gate Studio

This issue was fixed. The TRANLOGOPTIONS DBLOGREADER can be now configured through Oracle GoldenGate Studio.

Bug 28849649 - After moving studio repository, unable to connect to repository

This issue was fixed. Connection to the Oracle GoldenGate Studio repository is now possible.

Bug 28296548 - Issues with parsing select statement with SQLEXEC

This issue is fixed. Support has been added to parse SQLEXEC, which is part of the Table/Map parameter. However, parsing of the Table parameter requires mapping to be configured prior to uploading the parameter file, either through the Mapping editor or by uploading the parameter file in replicat.

BUG 29712790 - component.initialization.failure when selecting target entity in mapping editor

This issue is fixed. The null pointer exception is not thrown now while mapping the table.

Release — Corrected Problems

BUG 27670035 — Studio can't connect to the Oracle GoldenGate 12.2 with jAgent

Invalid ggsci command error was displayed during test connection to Oracle GoldenGate 12.2 when using the jAgent An exception from the jAgent wasn’t handled in studio which is fixed.

BUG 27370002 — Unable to Connect to the Oracle GoldenGate (oggstudio) Repository after Database Schema Password is Changed

When the database schema password of the Oracle GoldenGate Studio repository is changed, the user wasn’t able to connect to the repository with the new password. There is some information that is stored in some of the tables about the schema which needs to be updated when the database schema password is updated. The script is inside the bin folder of the oggstudio home. The user has to run this script every time the database schema password is changed in order to successfully login to repository from the Oracle GoldenGate UI. In order to run the script, user needs to update


Bug 24515376 - OracleGoldenGate Studio instance connection to remote host always uses localhost

An issue where the Oracle GoldenGate instance connection to remote host used localhost regardless of the Host Name setting in Oracle GoldenGate instance connection was fixed.


No new bugs were added in the release.


Bug 23234498 - Manage secondary truncation point option always appends with tranlogoptions

An issue where the manage secondary truncation point option appends the tranlogoptions was fixed. You can disable the parameter by selecting the thick line from the menu, which is the first menu item. The line represents spaces, which is the disabling option.

Bug 22809171 - Mapping PI shows DDL and INSERTAPPEND parameters for MySQL tables

An issue where the mapping displayed invalid parameters like DDL and INSERTAPPEND for MySQL tables or databases was fixed. The INSERTAPPEND parameter was removed from the Mapping Editor. It is only available for Classic Replicat in the tuning category.

Bug 22734341 - Oracle GoldenGate Studio does not show an option for Integrated Extract or Replicat with RDBMS

An issue where the properties screen does not show an option for Integrated Extract or Integrated Replicat with Oracle Database was fixed. The Integrated Replicat and Integrated Extract are enabled for Oracle Database 11g database. You should use these features with Oracle Database and later versions. A warning message will be added to the message log if you are using Integrated Extract with Oracle GoldenGate release 11.2.1 and earlier or Integrated Replicat with Oracle GoldenGate release and earlier.

Release — Initial Release

Initial Release

Known Issues

For questions on specific bugs or ticket numbers, consult Oracle Customer Support. SR is the Oracle Support SR number, and BugDB is the bug identification number. The information in this section is divided into the following releases:

Release — September 2019

Bug 29302346: "DDL INCLUDE mapped" parameter is not parsed with OGG Studio for MYSQL with Reverse engineering feature

The DDL INCLUDE mapped parameter is not parsed with Oracle GoldenGate Studio for MYSQL and Oracle.

Bug 29293821: Ignoreinserts & Gettruncates parameter generated for every mapping in reverse engineering feature

The Ignoreinserts and Gettruncates parameters get generated for every mapping, when they are not supposed to.

Bug 28904290 - Extract is not accepting .prm file which is more than 1000 characters long

The user cannot upload parameter file that contains more than 1000 characters.

Bug 30212207 - Not able to connect to oracle 12c repository with WE8ISO8859P9 characterset

The user is unable to connect to the Oracle GoldenGate 12c repository with a WE8ISO8859P9 characterset.

Workaround: In the oggstudio/bin/oggstudio.conf file, append the following line: AddJavaLibFile ../../oracle_common/modules/oracle.nlsrtl/orai18n.jar.

BUG 30290117 - Non-default parameter location deploy throws exception for deployment of first process

The deployment of the first process is unsuccessful when the profile uses a non-default location for parameter files.

Workaround: Deployment will be successful if user pre creates the directory with full access before deployment.

BUG 29401595 - Unable to parse Parallel replicat parameters with OGG studio

The user is not able to parse the Parallel replicat parameters with Oracle GoldenGate Studio.

BUG 30325973 - Windows rcu.bat not launching Repository Creation Utility UI

Windows rcu.bat does not launch the Repository Creation Utility UI.

Workaround: On Windows, run rcu_internal.bat instead of the rcu.bat file.

BUG 30243893 - RCU throws warning message during Repo creation against MySQL database

During the repository creation against the MySQL 5.7 database, the RCU throws a DATA- truncation warning message.


  • Added support for Oracle GoldenGate 12.3 classic.

  • Added support for Oracle GoldenGate MSSQL CDC.

  • Added support for altering the Oracle GoldenGate processes, such as the Extract and Replicat processes using the ALTER command.


Bug 25531499 — Chinese characters don't display correctly

When a Chinese locale is set, the corresponding Help content is not displayed correctly in the UI.


Bug 24911786 - Error status is not updated in Oracle Data Pump tab

In Oracle Data Pump method, if the remote link (DB link) is empty or an incorrect remote link is provided, no error message is shown during deployment and the status is shown as Finished.

Bug 24421874 - Drop repository option does not show Oracle GoldenGate Studio schema option in enabled state 

When the Drop Repository option in RCU facility is selected, the checkbox to select Oracle GoldenGate Studio schema in the following step is not enabled.

Bug 22537513 - To successfully launch RCU, JDK should be local and fully accessible

To launch RCU successfully from oggstudio/oracle_common/bin location, you should have full permission to access JDK 8 which is mentioned in the environment variable. It is safe to point to a local JDK installation rather than a remote JDK installation. RCU will throw JAVA exception if it could not access the JDK.

Bug 22844671 - Error message displayed during deployment for backup of file

The error message GGSTU-60009: Unable to take backup of the file is displayed while deploying a solution with older version of JAgent. Using the latest version of JAgent is recommended.

Bug 23232534 - Table exclude and Map exclude behavior

When you exclude table on source side a tableexclude parameter is written on source side but corresponding map statements are not be written to target side. Similarly, when you exclude table on target side a mapexclude parameter is written on target side , but corresponding table statements are not written to source side

Bug 24403645 - Oracle Data Pump does not support wildcard mapping

Wildcard mapping are not supported with Oracle Data Pump. No errors are shown during deployment but the data on target side are not loaded.


Bug 24529782 - Validate profile fails with error code GGSTU-60031, GGSTU-60001, and GGSTU-60002

The validate profile fails with error code GGSTU-60031: Rest Service Failure. Unable to get status Connection refused, GGSTU-60001: Unable to deploy as rest api service failed, and GGSTU-60002: Unable to deploy as rest api service failed. Connection refused.


Bug 23224813 - Oracle GoldenGate Studio does not display any error while deleting assigned SQL Server or MYSQL database connection

Oracle GoldenGate Studio does not display an error when you try to delete a SQL Server or MySQL database connection that is already assigned to Deployment profile from Resources Navigator. The resource is not deleted.

Bug 23196883 - Oracle GoldenGate Studio does not generate default parameters when the instance database type is changed

When you create an Oracle GoldenGate instance with the Oracle database type, Oracle GoldenGate Studio generates the parameter file properly. However, when database type has been changed to some other database type, like SQL Server, Oracle GoldenGate Studio does not generate default parameter file for the changed Oracle GoldenGate instance database type.

You can workaround this by changing the database type in the Oracle GoldenGate Instance Resource dialog and dragging and dropping that resource into the diagram again. The Properties Inspector is then refreshed and the proper files will be generated.

Bug 22906453 - MSSQL remote capture should show a warning message

No warning message is displayed if you select the Target only, Hub, Target, and Hub Only templates without archivedlogonly mode.

Release — Initial Release

Bug 27370002 — No way to change repository password in oggstudio: You can't change the password of the repository in Oracle GoldenGate Studio

  • The Deployment History tab is not populated.

  • The Deployment Profile wizard does not allow you to deselect the enable initial load option. However, you can disable the initial load prior to deployment by going to the Deployment Profile Overview subtab (next to Deployment View subtab), select Deployment Configuration, and then deselect all initial loads or just the initial loads for specific replication paths.

  • For online deployments, the GLOBALS file with the checkpoint table name must be in place before deployment or the initial load, classic or coordinated Replicat will fail to be added. This does not affect integrated Replicat/apply.

  • Initial load for redeployments will load all tables, new and existing alike. It will not load only new tables.

  • It is possible that changes to diagrams are not reflected in the user interface. If this occurs simply select Save, then close and reopen the tab.

  • If you select a column as a key in the Key Column Property Inspector for the mapping editor and save it, it becomes permanent even if you deselect later.

  • Deleting an explicitly mapped column name from the Column Mapping Editor results in an internal name for that column name remaining in the parameter file.

  • The Oracle GoldenGate Studio repository should be UTF8 or Unicode if using multibyte table names.

  • Non-ASCII characters used for Oracle GoldenGate connection names sometimes throws an error when attempting to do an online deployment.

  • Export and Import utilities cannot be used with multibyte characters.

  • The Filter Table option for the database connection in the Global Resource Library does not work with multibyte table names.

  • If conflicting parameters are set, such as start with BEGIN timestamp and CSN, it is not detected and both options are present in the parameter file.

  • In the Global Resource Library, if a database is associated with a deployment profile, then you cannot change the database connection name.

  • In this initial release, only Oracle Database source and targets have been certified.

  • When generating the Oracle GoldenGate files locally the ZIP file is corrupted. However, the unzipped versions of the files are written out correctly.

  • After importing a project, solution or mapping, you may need to use the refresh button before it is shown in the page.

Related Information

The Oracle GoldenGate Product Documentation Libraries are found at

Oracle GoldenGate

Additional Oracle GoldenGate information, including best practices, articles, and solutions, is found at:

Oracle GoldenGate A-Team Chronicles

Getting Help with My Oracle Support

Use My Oracle Support to find knowledge solutions, workaround, and other information that is reported by customers, partners, and Oracle employees. My Oracle Support also enables you to open a Service Request. If a patch is required to resolve a service request, you will receive instructions on how to download it from My Oracle Support.


If you purchased Oracle GoldenGate Veridata and support through a distributor, contact your distributor instead of attempting to create a service request through My Oracle Support.

Using the Oracle GoldenGate Knowledge Base

To view the Oracle GoldenGate Knowledge Base, follow these steps:

  1. Go to

  2. Select your language and then log in with your email and Oracle password.

  3. Click the Knowledge tab.

  4. Under Select a Product Line, type the name "GoldenGate" and then select an Oracle GoldenGate product from the context menu. (You may have to wait a few seconds for this list to appear). As an alternative, you can select from the drop-down list or use the Browse link to select Middleware, then Data Integration, then GoldenGate.

  5. Under Task, select the type of query you want to make, such as Troubleshoot.

  6. Under Version, select the version of Oracle GoldenGate that you are using.

  7. Under Enter Search Terms, type a search keyword or multiple keywords to focus the query.

If you need help with My Oracle Support, click Help at the top of the application window.

Creating an Oracle GoldenGate Support Case

If you cannot find an answer to your question or problem in the Knowledge Base, you can open a support case with Oracle Support by following these steps:

  1. Go to

  2. Select your language and then log in with your email and Oracle password.

  3. Click the Service Requests tab.

  4. Click Create SR.

  5. Complete the form, referring to the Help at the top of the application window if necessary.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Release Notes for Oracle GoldenGate Studio, 12c (


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