10 Connecting Oracle GoldenGate Veridata to SSL-Enabled Oracle Database

SSL Enabled JDBC URL format: jdbc:oracle:thin:@tcps://<host>:<port>/servicename?wallet_location=<wallet path>, where wallet_location is the Directory path for client wallet files, which are cwallet.sso and ewallet.p12.

To connect Oracle GoldenGate Veridata to SSL-Enabled Oracle Database:
  1. Create an auto-login wallet in the database as follows: $ orapki wallet create -wallet <wallet path> -pwd <wallet password> -auto_login.
  2. Create a self-signed certificate and load it into the wallet: $ orapki wallet add -wallet <wallet path> -pwd <wallet password> -dn "CN=<database hostname>" -keysize 1024 -self_signed -validity 3650
  3. Export the certificate so that you can load it into the client wallet: $ orapki wallet export -wallet <wallet path> -pwd <wallet password> -dn "CN=<hostname>" -cert <server certificate path>
  4. Repeat step 1 to 3.
  5. Exchange Client and Server Certificates:
    1. Load the server certificate into the client wallet: $ orapki wallet add -wallet <client wallet path> -pwd <wallet password> -trusted_cert -cert <server certificate path>
    2. Load the client certificate into the server wallet: $ orapki wallet add -wallet <server wallet path> -pwd wallet password -trusted_cert -cert <client certificate path>
  6. Check the contents of the server/client wallet: $ orapki wallet display -wallet <server wallet path> -pwd <wallet password>
For more information, see Create JKS Wallets for a TLS Connection to a DB System that has Client Authentication Enabled in the Administering Oracle Data Safe guide.