Oracle by Example brandingInstalling and Configuring Oracle GoldenGate Veridata 12c (version

section 0Before You Begin

This tutorial describes how to install and configure the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata.


For proof-of-concept, you can install the following on one host: Oracle WebLogic Server, Fusion Middleware Infrastructure, and Oracle GoldenGate Veridata.

What Do You Need?

section 1Installing and Configuring the Back End

In a nutshell, the installation process includes the following four major tasks. After completing these steps, you can configure the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Agents.

  1. WebLogic Server and Infrastructure file needed for Oracle GoldenGate Veridata. Install the WebLogic Server infrastructure (formerly known as JRF) files on top of an existing WebLogic Server install. Invoke this by using the command: java -jar fmw_12.
  2. Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Server + Oracle GoldenGate Veridata Agent. It is a jar file, and works on all supported platforms except NonStop. Choose a required combination. For this tutorial, the choice was "complete" to get everything installed in one pass. Invoke this by using the command: java -jar fmw_12.
  3. Run the Repository Creation Utility (RCU). It gets installed as a part of the WLS+JRF install in Step 1. You can run it once for all the products (WLS and Veridata.) The RCU location in this demo (and the sample VM) is: /u01/app/oracle/product/wls/oracle_common/bin/rcu.
  4. Configure the Oracle WebLogic Server and Oracle GoldenGate Veridata domains. You can run this once for all products. To configure the WebLogic Server, use the command: /u01/app/oracle/product/wls/oracle_common/common/bin/

section 3Installing the Fusion Middleware Infrastructure

  1. Open a terminal session. Run the following command: java -jar fmw_12.
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  3. Click Next to continue to the Auto Updates section.
  4. Leave the default option Skip Auto Updates selected and click Next.
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  5. Enter a location for Oracle Home to store the binary files.
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  7. Click Next to continue.
  8. Select either installation type (Fusion Middleware infrastructure With Examples or Fusion Middleware Infrastructure). Towards the end of this step, the Oracle WebLogic Server gets installed.
  9. Enter a location for Oracle Home to store the binary files.
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  11. Wait for the progress bar to reach 100%. The Java version required is 1.7 or higher. Click Next to continue to the Prerequisistes Checks screen.
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  13. Click Next to continue to the Installation Summary screen.
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  14. On the Installation Summary screen, click Next to display the Installation Progress panel.
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  16. Click Install to continue and wait for the progress bar to reach 100%. You can optionally view the logs.
  17. Click Next to view the Installation Complete panel.
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  19. Click Finish.

section 4Installing Oracle GoldenGate Veridata

To install and configure Oracle GoldenGate Veridata:

  1. Open the terminal session and run the installer with the following command: java -jar fmw_12. You now see the splash screen.
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    The splash screen disappears when the progress bar reaches 100% to display the Welcome screen.

  3. After you have read the instructions on the Welcome screen, click Next to continue to the Auto Updates screen.
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  5. Click Next to continue to the Auto Updates section. Leave the default option Skip Auto Updates selected and click Next.
  6. FMW Step 1 of 7
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  7. Enter the same Oracle Home directory that you entered in the previous section.
  8. FMW Step 1 of 7
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  9. Click Next to continue and display the Installation Type screen.
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  11. Select the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata options that you want to install, or select Complete Install to get them all.
  12. Click Next to continue to the Prerequisites Check screen.
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  14. After the progress bar has reached 100%, click Next to display the Installation Summary screen. Note that the next steps that are required to run the Repository Creation Utility (RCU) and then run the Configuration Wizard, are mentioned in the Installation Summary screen.
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  16. Click Install to continue and display the Installation Progress screen and wait for the progress bar to reach 100%. You can also view the logs.
  17. FMW Step 1 of 7
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  18. Click Next to continue to the Installation Complete screen.
  19. FMW Step 1 of 7
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    Under Next Steps, there are steps listed to run the RCU and the Configuration Wizard. Click Finish to complete the Oracle GoldenGate Veridata installation.

section 5Configuring RCU

The Repository Creation Utility (RCU) presumes that you have already installed a compatible database to house the repository. This example assumes that it is an Oracle 12c Database.

To configure the RCU:

  1. Open a terminal session. Start the RCU with this command: /u01/app/oracle/product/wls/oracle_common/bin/rcu.
  2. Click Next in the Welcome screen to display the Create Repository screen.
  3. In the Create Repository screen, the default is Create Repository with System Load and Product Load. Click Next to continue.
  4. FMW Step 1 of 7
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  5. Enter the appropriate information to log in to your database with full privileges in the Database Connection Details screen.
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  7. Click OK to dismiss Checking Prerequisites. Click Next to continue.
  8. If this is the first time you have run RCU, then the only option is to create a new prefix. If you have run RCU in the past, then it will increment the previous prefix by one, to form a new prefix. For example, DEV2 or DEV3. You can override the suggestion. Select Oracle GoldenGate, Veridata Repository.
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  10. Click OK to dismiss the Checking Prerequisites
  11. Click Next to continue.
  12. Enter the same password twice. Many of the sample VM databases use oracle as the default password for all schemas.
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  14. Click Next to continue to the Map Tablespaces screen.
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  16. Accept the default tablespace allocations.
  17. Click OK in the Repository Creation Utility - Confirmation dialog box.
  18. Click Next to display Summary screen.
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  19. Click Create to display the Complete Summary.
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  20. Click Close to continue.

more informationCreating the Domain

The Configuration Wizard can either create a new domain or extend an existing domain. This example shows how to create a new domain.

  1. Open a terminal session. Invoke the Configuration wizard by entering /u01/app/oracle/product/wls/oracle_common/common/bin/
  2. Note: The Create a new domain option is selected by default.

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  3. Click Browse to select the Domain Location.
  4. Click Next to display the Templates screen.
  5. FMW Step 1 of 7
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  6. Select Veridata Standard Server Domain. This causes the Oracle JRF to be selected automatically. If the Oracle JRF is not selected, then you have not installed the Infrastructure correctly.
  7. Click Next to continue.
  8. Enter the same password twice. Complexity rules require a number or special character in the password. The sample VM uses weblogic1. Note the difference between the lowercase L in the middle and the numeral one at the end.
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  10. Click Next to continue.
  11. If you plan to use localhost/ as the host name/address, then you must select Development. In Production, use the real host name and address instead of using localhost.
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  13. Click Next to continue.
  14. Enter the Host Name, Port, Schema Owner, and Schema Password in the Database Configuration Type screen.
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  16. Click Get RCU Configuration to continue.
  17. Verify the Connection Result Log and then click OK.
  18. Click Next to continue to the JDBC Component Schema Test screen.
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  20. Click Next to continue to the JDBC Test screen.
  21. The Test Select Connection happens automatically. Look at the Connection Result Log
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  22. Ensure that all the Status check boxes are selected, indicating a successful result log.
  23. Click Next to display the Keystore screen.
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  25. Enter a Password for the Alias.
  26. Click Next to display the Advanced Configuration screen, but do not select any of the Advanced Options.
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    Note: Here you can choose to configure clusters of servers, if you need high availability using multiple hosts.

  27. Click Next to display the Configuration Summary screen. In this screen, you can identify where the Veridata server application is deployed. If you used clusters, you need to deploy the application to the cluster, not to any one server.
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  29. Click Create to display the Configuration Progress screen. When the progress bar reaches 100%, it should say "Domain Created Successfully!"
  30. Click Finish to continue.
  31. Note the URLs to use from a web browser to reach the WebLogic Administration Console: an http URL which is insecure, and an https URL which uses SSL for increased security.
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section 6Deploying the Agents


  • You have already installed and configured the database.
  • The software distribution files have been downloaded and unzipped.
  • To deploy the agents:

    1. This is the script used to Install the Fusion Middleware software:

      ########################################################### ###########################################################

      Install WebLogic Server + Infrastructure files needed for OGG:

      java -jar fmw_12.

      # OGG Veridata + agent.

      java -jar fmw_12.

      Repository Creation Utility; can run once for all products.


    2. This is the script used to configure the Fusion Middleware software:


      Configure WLS and Veridata; can run once for all products.



      Veridata agents. Can run from anywhere, give destination as argument.

      /u01/app/oracle/product/wls/veridata/agent/ /u01/ogg/agents/veridata/agent1

      # Should return, "Successfully deployed the agent."

    3. These are the changes made to the file:

      cd /u01/ogg/agents/veridata/agent1

      Note: The database-specific files are under the sample_properties directory and you need to select the respective file and copy that as

      Example for Oracle DB:

      cp sample_properties/






    4. All scripts are created in the Desktop/ directory purely for convenience:

      # Start WLS /u01/app/oracle/product/wls/ogg_domain/

      # Start Veridata Server + Agent

      # Server only

      /u01/app/oracle/product/wls/ogg_domain/veridata/bin/ start

      # Agent only

      /u01/ogg/agents/veridata/agent1/ start

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