47.2 Rebuilding OAM Deployment in a Multi-Node Cluster

This section provides instructions about rebuilding OAM deployment in a multi-node cluster.

The OAM Snapshot Tool supports the following operations in a multi-node cluster:
  • Scale-Out: Clone a Managed Server on a new infrastructure.
  • Backup and Restore: Rebuild Admin Server and Managed Server cluster on new infrastructure.
  • Migration: Rebuild Admin and the Managed Server cluster on new infrastructure and migrate the database schemas to a new infrastructure.

In this section, the following example is used to describe the steps to rebuild the OAM deployments on the target infrastructure:

Source Infrastructure has:
  • Infra1 that runs adminserver
  • Infra2 that runs oam_server1
  • Infra3 that runs oam_server2
Target Infrastructure has:
  • Infra1A for rebuilding adminserver
  • Infra2A for rebuilding oam_server1
  • Infra3A for rebuilding oam_server2

Rebuilding Admin Server on a New Infrastructure

To rebuild the Admin Server on a new infrastructure, follow the procedures provided in Performing Backup and Restore and Migration of OAM Sytem Using Snapshot Tool.

Rebuilding Managed Servers on New Infrastructure

Prerequisite: In case of backup and restore, and migration scenarios, you must perform the following step:

After rebuilding the Admin Server on a new Infrastructure (for example, Infra1A), you must again create a backup of the Admin Server on Infra1A. This step is not required for the scale-out operation.

For each of the Managed Server in the cluster (for example, Infra2 and Infra3), perform the following steps on the target infrastructure (Infra2A and Infra3A):

  1. Copy all the binaries from MW_HOME directory in the source infrastructure to the corresponding path on the target infrastructure.


    MW_HOME is the path where OAM binaries are installed.
  2. From the new infrastructure that hosts the Admin Server (for example, Infra1A), copy the files oam.properties and OamFileArtifacts.properties from $MW_HOME/idm/oam/server/upgrade/script to the corresponding path on the target infrastructure (Infra2A and Infra3A) where the Managed Servers needs to be rebuilt.


    The oam.properties and OamFileArtifacts.properties are generated by the moveToDB.sh and extract_from_db.sh scripts during the backup and restore, or migrate operations performed on the Admin Server.
  3. On the target infrastructure, run the following command to create the domain:
    -cp $MW_HOME/idm/oam/server/tools/dbconfigutility/dbconfig-utility.jar 
    -Doracle.jdbc.timezoneAsRegion=false oracle.security.am.artifacts.main.AccessDBCommand 
    ./oam.properties $ORACLE_HOME extractFromDB


    MW_HOME is the directory path where the OAM binaries are installed and ORACLE_HOME is the bath path where OAM domain has been created.

  4. Make the startup scripts executable using the following command:
    chmod +x <PATH_TO_DOMAIN>/bin/*.sh
  5. Restart the Managed servers by providing the Admin Server T3 URL. For example, ./startManagedWeblogic.sh oam_server1 t3://adminhost:adminport on Infra2A and ./startManagedWeblogic.sh oam_server2 t3://adminhost:adminporton Infra3A.