6.6 Authentication Plug-ins

The plug-ins created must be deployed on the AdminServer as a JAR file and will be validated automatically. After validation, an Administrator can configure and distribute the plug-in using Oracle Access Management Console. The server processes the XML configuration file within the plug-in JAR file to extract data about the plug-in. After the plug-in is imported, an Administrator can see and modify the various plug-in states based on information available from the AdminServer.


The Plug-ins page includes a tool bar with command buttons, most of which operate on the plug-in that is selected in the table. The following table provides information about the existing custom plug-ins and their state.

Element Description


Choose commands from the menu to control how the columns are displayed:

  • Columns - Click a column header name to quickly show or hide a single column.

  • Reorder Columns - Click to open a dialog that lets you change the order of the table columns.

  • Query By Example - Click to show or hide the filter row that is displayed above the column headers to query on the columns.

Import Plug-in

Adds the plug-in JAR file to the AdminServer $DOMAIN_HOME/oam/plugins and begins plug-in validation:

  • Same JAR Name—If the new plug-in JAR name (in $DOMAIN_HOME/oam/plugins) matches an existing plug-in JAR name (in $DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/oam/plugins), Oracle Access Manager extracts new configuration metadata from the XML file in the JAR (in $DOMAIN_HOME/oam/plugins) and checks the version of the new plug-in.

  • XML Version— If the new plug-in XML version (in $DOMAIN_HOME/oam/plugins) is greater than the existing XML version (in $DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/oam/plugins), validation is successful. Otherwise, "invalid plugin name with invalid version" is returned and the new plug-in JAR is removed (from $DOMAIN_HOME/oam/plugins).

  • Different JAR Name— If the new plug-in JAR name (in $DOMAIN_HOME/oam/plugins) is different then existing plug-in JAR names (in $DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/oam/plugins), the new plug-in JAR is uploaded and validation is successful.

On Success— Status is reported as "Uploaded" (even if an OAM Server is down). If all registered OAM Servers report “Uploaded”, then the status on AdminServer is also “Uploaded”.

On Failure—Status is reported as “Upload Failed”.

Distribute Selected

  • Propagates the plug-in to all registered OAM Servers.

  • Sets the plug-in flag in oam-config.xml to “Distribute=true".

  • Starts the distribution listener and notification mechanism between AdminServer and OAM Servers.

  • Distributes the plug-in JAR from AdminServer node to each OAM Server node under $DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/oam/plugins.

On Success — Status is reported as “Distributed" (even if an OAM Server is down). If all registered OAM Servers report “Distributed", then the status on AdminServer is also “Distributed".

On Failure — Status is reported as “Distribution Failed".

Activate Selected

After successful distribution the plug-in can be activated on all registered OAM Servers.


  • Updates the plug-in flag in oam-config.xml to “Activate=true".

  • Starts the message listener and notification mechanism between AdminServer and OAM Servers.

  • AdminServer sends message “Activate" to all registered OAM Servers.

On Success — Status is reported as “Activated” (even if an OAM Server is down). If all registered OAM Servers report “Activated", then the status on AdminServer is laso “Activated”.

On Failure — Status is reported as “Activation Failed”.

Following activation on all OAM Servers, the plug-in can be used and executed in any authentictaion module construction or orchestration.

Deactivate Selected

Following plug-in activation, an Administrator can choose to deactivate the plug-in, if the plug-in is not used in any authentication module or scheme.


  • Updates the plug-in flag in oam-config.xml to “De-activate=true”.

  • Starts the Distribution listener and notification mechanism between AdminServer and OAM Servers.

  • Removes the plug-in JAR from AdminServer and each registered OAM Server ($DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/oam/plugins).

  • AdminServer sends message “De-activation” to all registered OAM Servers.

  • OAM Servers sends status message to AdminServer using the “Message” listeners on both AdminServer and OAM Server.

On Success— Status is reported as “De-activation" (even if an OAM Server is down). If all registered OAM Servers report “De-activation”, then the status on AdminServer is also “De-activation”. Plug-in configuration is removed from oam-config.xml.

Note: After deactivation, the plug-in cannot be used or executed in any authentication module or orchestration.

On Failure—Status is reported as “De-activation Failed”.

Remove Selected

Following plug-in deactivation, an Administrator can delete the selected plug-in. During this process, Access Manager:


  • Updates the plug-in flag in oam-config.xml to “Remove=true”.

  • Starts the Distribution listener and notification mechanism between AdminServer and OAM Servers.

  • Removes the plug-in JAR from AdminServer and each registered OAM Server ($DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/oam/plugins).

  • AdminServer sends message “Activate” to all registered OAM Servers.

On Success— Status is reported as “Removed” (even if an OAM Server is down). If all registered OAM Servers report “Removed”, then the status on AdminServer is also “Removed”. Plug-in configuration is removed from oam-config.xml.

On Failure—Status is reported as “Removal Failed”.


Click to update the screen with any changes made on the (back-end) server.


Click to show or hide the filter row that is displayed above the column headers to query on the columns.


Click to clear all entries in the filter row.


Displays the row number.

Plug-in Name

Extracted from the Plugin name element of the XML metadat file.


Extracted from the description element of the XML metadata file.

Activation Status

Reported activation status based on information from AdminServer.


Extracted from the type element of the XML metadata file.

Last updated On

Extracted from the creation date element of the XML metadata file.

Last updated by

Extracted from the author element of the XML metadata file.

Total Rows

Total number of rows in the table.

Plug-in Details

Plug-in Details section reflects configuration details for the selected plug-in the table. The following table describes the elements in the Plug-in Details section of the Authentication Plug-ins page.

Element Description

Configuration Parameters

Depending on your Plug-in selection, various configuration details are extracted from the configuration element of the XML metadata file to populate Configuration Parameters.


Click Save to save your changes to the configuration parameters.

Activation Status

The Activation Status is maintained by the AdminServer.

Related Topics

Managing Authentication and Shared Policy Components in Administrator's Guide for Oracle Access Management.