3.1 Create Application Domain

Use the Create Application Domain page to manually create an Application Domain.


The following table describes the elements on the Create Application Domain page:

Element Description


Type a unique name for the Application Domain.


Type a short description for the Application Domain.

Session Idle Timeout (minutes)

Enter the amount of time in minutes, that a user's authentication session remains valid without accessing any Oracle Access Manager protected resources. When the user is idle for a longer period, they are asked to re-authenticate.

Allow OAuth Token

Check this box to allow use of OAuth Token.

Allow Session Impersonation

Check this box to allow an end user to designate one or more users to act on his behalf within a constrained window of time.

Enable Policy Ordering

Select to enable Policy Ordering section.


Click Apply to submit the changes.

Policy Ordering

Use this section to order policies if the Enable Policy Ordering option is selected.

Element Description


Choose commands from the View menu to control how the columns are displayed:

  • Columns - Click a column header name to quickly show or hide a single column.

  • Reorder Columns - Click to open a dialog that lets you change the order of the table columns.


Click Add to add a Resource Prefix using Resource Prefix dialog box.


Select a row from the table, click Edit to make changes using Resource Prefix dialog box.


Select a row from the table, click Delete to remove the row.

Resource Prefix

Displays all the Resource Prefix added using the dialog box.

Resource Type

Displays all the Resource Type added using the dialog box.

Host Identifier

Displays all the Host Identifier added using the dialog box.

Resource Prefix dialog box

The following table describes the elements in the Resource Prefix dialog box:

Element Description

Resource Type

Choose a Resource Type from the drop-down menu:

  • wl_authen - This resource type is used for Fusion Middleware application scenarios.

  • TokenServiceRP - This resource type is used to represent the Token Service Relying Party.

  • HTTP - This resource type covers resources that are accessed using either HTTP or HTTPS protocol. Policies that govern a particular resource apply to all operations defined for the resource.

Host Identifier

Add an optional Host Identifier.

Note: Host Identifier is mandatory for an HTTP Resource Type.

Resource Prefix

Add the Resource Prefix.

For Example: If the policy Resource being protected is /em/**, the Resource Prefix is /em. If the policy Resource being protected is /blog/**, the Resource Prefix is /blog.


Click Add to add the entries to the Policy Ordering table.


Click Cancel to cancel the changes.


Click to close the dialog box.

Search Application Domain

Use the Search Application Domains page to perform an advanced search for specific application domains. The following table describes the elements in Search section of the Application Domains page:

Element Description


Enter a name of the Application Domain (or a partial name with wild card (*)), or leave the Name field blank to show all the domains.

Create Application Domain

Click to create a new Application Domain using the Create Application Domain page.


Click Search to initiate the search and populate results in the Search Results table.


Click Reset to reset the search criteria.

Search Results

Search results returned are the application domains that met the conditions specified in the search fields. The following table describes the elements in the Search Results section of the Application Domains page:

Element Description


Choose options from the menu to perform the following operations:

  • Create - Select Create to create a new Application Domain using the Create Application Domain page.

  • Duplicate - Select a row in the table and choose Duplicate to open the existing record in edit mode, user can make changes and save the record.

  • Edit - Select a row in the table and choose Edit to open the record in edit mode. After edit, click OKto save the changes, or Cancel to cancel the changes.

  • Delete - Select a row in the table and choose Delete, in the confirm pop-up click Yes to remove the row, or click No to retain the row.


Choose commands from the View menu to control how the columns are displayed:

  • Columns - Click a column header name to quickly show or hide a single column.

  • Detach - Click to open the table in a larger window.

  • Reorder Columns - Click to open a dialog that lets you change the order of the table columns.


Click to create a new Application Domain using the Create Application Domain page.


Select a row in the table and click Edit to open the record in edit mode. After edit, click OK to save the changes, or Cancel to cancel the changes.


Select a row in the table and click Delete, in the confirm pop-up click Yes to remove the row, or click No to retain the row.


Click to expand the Search Results table to a full page.


Displays the Row number.


Displays the searched Application Domain names.


Displays the descriptions for the Application Domain searched.

Sort Ascending

Click to sort the items in the column in descending order.


Click to sort the items in the column in descending order.

Related Topics

Managing Policies to protect Resources and Enable SSO in Administrator's Guide for Oracle Access Management