5.1 Password Policy

Use the Password Policy page to configure the Password policy based on enterprise requirements.

Password Options

The following table describes the elements on the Password Policy page:

Element Description

Minimum Uppercase Characters

Define the minimum number of uppercase characters required in a password.

Minimum Lowercase Characters

Set the minimum number of lowercase characters required in a password.

Minimum Alphabetic Characters

Define the minimum number of alphabetic characters allowed in the password.

Minimum Numeric Characters

Set the minimum number of numeric characters required in a password.

Minimum Alphanumeric Characters

Define the minimum number of alphanumeric characters required in a password.

Minimum Special Characters and Maximum Special Characters

Define the minimum and maximum number of Special Characters required in a password.

Minimum Unicode Characters and Maximum Unicode Characters

Define the minimum and maximum number of Unicode characters required in a password.

Minimum Password Length and Maximum Password Length

Define the total minimum and maximum number of characters allowed in a password.

Minimum Unique Characters

Define the minimum unique characters allowed in a password.

Maximum Repeated Characters

Define the maximum repeated characters allowed in a password.

Minimum Password Age (days)

Define the minimum password age in days.

Characters Required

Define the specific characters that are required in a password. No delimiter is needed or allowed in this definition.

Characters Not Allowed

Define the specific characters that cannot be used in a password. No delimiter is needed or allowed in this definition.

Characters Allowed

Define all allowed characters in a password. No delimiter is needed or allowed in this definition.

Substrings Not Allowed

Specify the character strings that are not allowed in a password. Use a comma as the delimiter in this definition.

Alphabetic Character Must Start Password

Select this box to specify that the first character in a password must be alphabetic, when checked.

Can Include User's Last Name

Select this box to specify that the user's last name is allowed in the password, when checked.

Can Include User's First Name

Select this box to specify that the user's first name is allowed in the password, when checked.

Can Include User ID

Select this box to specify that the user's User ID is allowed in the password, when checked.

Warn After (days)

Define the number of days before a designated date in which a user will be warned about password expiration.

For example, you enter 30 in the Expires After (days) field, and 20 in the Warn After (days) field, and the password is created on November 1. On November 21, the user will be informed that the password will expire on December 1. This field accepts values from 0 to 999.

Maximum Attempts

Define the maximum number of login attempts a user can make before a lockout.

Expire After (days)

Define the period of time (in days) that the password is valid.

Permanent Lockout

Select this box to specify permanent lockout after the designated number of failed login attempts.

Disallow Previous Passwords

Define the number of previous passwords that cannot be used when the user changes her password.

Lockout Duration (minutes)

Define the period of time the user is locked out (in minutes) after the designated number of failed login attempts. After this period, the user can attempt a fresh login.

Password Dictionary File

Specify the physical file on OAM Servers that contain the list of restricted words that can not be specified in a password.

Password File Delimiter

Define the delimiter used in the Password Dictionary file to separate various words.

For example, if the file contains abc, def, welcome and the dictionary delimiter is comma(,), the words that are restricted and cannot be used in a user password are abc def and welcome.

Password Service URL

The location of various password pages.


Click on Apply to submit the policy.

Related Topics

Using Password Policy in Administrator's Guide for Oracle Access Management.