4.1 Session Management

Use the Session Management page to locate and delete one or more access sessions for a single user and to delete all user sessions. Use the search section to search Session Management page to perform an advanced search for specific sessions, user can create query based on filter conditions and add fields to the query to further refine the search.


The following table describes the elements in the Search area of the Session Management page:

Element Description

Delete All User Sessions

Choose this command button to delete the active sessions of all users.

A confirmation window appears where you can confirm or decline the operation.

User ID

Enter a specific user ID and click Search button to display all active sessions for this user. Incomplete strings and wild cards are allowed. Use the drop-down menu to choose options like Starts with, Equals, Contains, and the like to further assist in your search.

Client IP Address

Enter a Client IP Address and click Search button to display all active sessions for this user. Incomplete strings and wild cards are allowed. Use the drop-down menu to choose options like Starts with, Equals, Contains, and the like to further assist in your search.


Click this button to initiate a search based on criteria in the form.


Click this button to clear the form of all criteria.

Add Fields

Displays a menu from which you can select additional criteria to add to the search form, this can include ID Store, Last Access Time, Session ID, and so on.

Click the Add Fields button, select the items in the list and add them to the form and click Save.


Displays a dialog box that lets you change the order of the search fields.

Search Results

Search results are the Sessions that met the conditions specified in the search fields. The following table describes the elements in the Search Results section of the Session Management page:

Element Description


Choose commands from the View menu (located above the search results table) to control how the search results are displayed:

  • Columns - Click a column header name to quickly show or hide a single column.

  • Detach - Click to open the table in a larger window.

  • Reorder Columns - Click to open a dialog that lets you change the order of the table columns.


Click a row in the results table to select it (the row should be highlighted), then choose the Delete button to delete the row. A confirmation window appears where you can confirm or decline the operation.

Note: When session search criteria is generic, using just a wild card (*), for example, there is a limitation on deleting a session from a large list of sessions. Your session search criteria should be fine-grained enough to obtain a relatively small set of results (ideally 20 or less).


Click to expand the results table to a full-page view. If the page is already detached, click to restore the results table to the Session Management page.

Results table

Displays search results consisting of active sessions.

Client IP Address

The IP address that the client is logged on from.

Creation Instant

Time stamp showing when the session was created.

Expiry Instant

Date and time that the session is set to expire.

ID Store

The identity store in which the user who owns the session is defined.


Shows true if the session is impersonated; otherwise, false.

Last Access Time

Time stamp showing when the last session access occurred.

Last Update Time

Time stamp showing when the last update occurred.

Session ID

A unique, OAM-generated session identifier.

User ID

The unique identifier that identifies the user.

Related Topics

Maintaining Access Manager Sessions in Administrator's Guide for Oracle Access Management