Build policy cache from the current policies



Build policy cache with the current policies in the OAM database. While the policy cache is being built, the runtime servers will still be using the existing policy cache.


Supported Media Types
Body ()
Policy cache request
Root Schema : CacheUpdateRequest
Type: object
Show Source
  • Whether to forceupdate the policy cache even when current version is the latest version built. By default this is false and the policy cache will not be updated unless it is not the latest.
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Policy Cache info fetched successfully.
Body ()
Root Schema : CacheUpdateResponse
Type: object
Show Source
  • The hash value of the policy cache. Can be used for checking two versions of the policy cache.
  • The return message for this operation. If the operation failed, the error message has the required details on what went wrong while performing the operation.
  • Reference of user that updated the policycache. In case its forceupdated, the REST username is used.
  • Whether the existing cache row is updated due to this REST API call or created.
  • The date time when the cache was last finised creation and written into the table.
  • version number of this policy cache. Used for updation logic for runtime and admin servers.

401 Response

Not authorized.

500 Response

Internal Server Error
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