Get the configuration for otpforgotpassword



This REST API tells whether otpforgotpassword feature is enabled in OAM and whether the default login page has the link to the forgot password page. It also mentions the exact forgotpassword page url.


There are no request parameters for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

The OTP forgot password configuration is retrieved successfully
Body ()
Root Schema : ConfigureForgotPasswordLinkResponse
Type: object
Show Source
  • This is the url path of the custom web pages deployed for look and feel changes for the otp forgot password applicaion.
  • This is the error level of the error that will be displayed to the user. Internal error level shows a detailed message to the end user. Valid values are internal and external.
  • This is the exact URL that the user will be taken to for changing his password. It can be local to OAM server
  • This descibes the mode in which the otpchangepassword app will be presented to the user. The valid list of values are 1)email -- otp will be sent to the user's mail. 2)sms -- otp will be sent to user's mobile via sms. 3)userselectchallenge -- otp will be sent to user, based on user selecting one of masked display challenges. 4)userchoose -- otp will be sent to user, based on selection of email or sms keywords. 5)totp -- time based otp generated in user's device.

401 Response


500 Response

Internal Server Error
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This example demonstrates the method of querying whether otpforgotpassword feature is enabled in OAM. It also mentions the exact forgotpassword page url.

Example of the Response Headers

curl -X GET http://hostname:port/oam/services/rest/access/api/v1/config/otpforgotpassword/ -H 'authorization: Basic d2VibG9naWM6d2VsY29tZTE=' -H 'content-type: application/json'

Example of the Response Body

The following example shows the contents of the response body.

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