Sending Attributes with OAM and IdP

This article covers how OAM can be easily configured to send attributes with the SSO Assertion to the partner during the Federation SSO operation. Those attributes can be set to data retrieved from:

Note that configuring how SAML NameID values are set is similar to how attributes are configured in OAM.

Attributes in SSO Response

During the Federation SSO operation, the IdP issues a token targeted for the SP which contains three kinds of data:

The IdP server is able to send information as SAML / OpenID attributes to the SP/RP that can be based on:

The above applies for sending attributes in SAML Assertions and OpenID SSO Responses, but it is also valid for setting the SAML NameID value in a SAML Assertion.

Configuring IdP

There are several ways to configure IdP for SAML NameID and SAML/OpenID attributes:


IdP is configured to send attributes/NameID via the use of an expression language similar to the one used in the OAM Authorization Policy Responses. Below is the list of possible elements that can be used to configure a NameID/Attribute.

Type Data Expression


User User ID $user.userid $user.userid

Identity Store


$user.id_domain $user.id_domain
User GUID $user.guid $user.guid


separated list of groups which the user is

member of

$user.groups $user.groups
LDAP User Attribute $user.a?r.ATTR_NAME, with ATTR_NAME being the name of an LDAP User Attribute $user.a?r.givenname
OAM user's session Authentication Level $session.authn_level $session.authn_level
Authentication Scheme $session.authn_scheme $session.authn_schem
Session Count $session.count $session.count
Session Creation Date $session.creation $session.creation


Expiration Date

$session.expiration $session.expiration
Session Attribute

$session.a?r.ATTR_NAME, with

ATTR_NAME being the name of an OAM

Session Attribute


(this session attribute set

by OAM/SP when receiving an Assertio from a remote IdP an contains the

IdP's partner name; we discuss more about those attributes in a future article)




HTTP Header value $request.httpheader.HTTP_HEADER_NAME, with HTTP_HEADER_NAME being the name of an HTTP Header $user.httpheader.user agent
Cookie value

$request.cookie.COOKIE_NAME, with

COOKIE_NAME being the name of a cookie


Client's IP


$request.client_ip $request.client_ip

Note about Always Send

The SP Attribute Profile is used for various protocols, including:

The “Always Send” option seen in the SP Attribute Profile section allows an administrator to instruct IdP to always send the attribute in an Assertion even if it was not requested by the SP partner.

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