SAML Response with Complex Attributes


When Oracle Access Management (OAM) is integrated with a SAML Identity Provider (IdP), in response to saml:AuthnRequest the IdP issues a saml:Response. If the saml:AttributeStatement contains attributes whose data type is other than an XML Schema string then the attribute values will be set to empty strings. An example of such an attribute is:

<saml2:Attribute Name="AddressDetails">
 <saml2:AttributeValue xmlns:xyznamespace="http://foo"xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xyznamespace:AdresseType">

October 2022 BP adds support for propagating attributes whose XML Schema is not a simple type to protected applications.


Setup SAML Service Provider in Oracle Access Management.


Task 1: Enable Complex Attribute Handling in Identity Federation

By default, this feature is not enabled. To enable this feature, you must set the Java System Property oam.saml.customattr to true. Update your OAM startup script (For example, weblogic to inject the following:


Task 2: Check the OAM Response Attribute

Once enabled, the attribute will be processed and populated in the session ($session) like any other saml:attribute. In case of saml:attribute, the session response will contain $session.attr.fed.attr.AddressDetails and can be propagated to an application. The application receives an authorization response header/cookie with a value:


Description of the illustration responses.jpg


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