All REST Endpoints

The operations from the Agent category.
Creates an agent
Method: post
Path: /oaa-policy/agent/v1
Deletes an agent
Method: delete
Path: /oaa-policy/agent/v1/{agentgid}
Gets an agent
Method: get
Path: /oaa-policy/agent/v1/{agentgid}
Returns all agents
Method: get
Path: /oaa-policy/agent/v1
Updates an agent
Method: put
Path: /oaa-policy/agent/v1/{agentgid}
Configuration Properties
Configuration Properties Management API for OAA Service.
Creates or updates configuration properties.
Method: put
Path: /policy/config/property/v1
Deletes configuration property.
Method: delete
Path: /policy/config/property/v1
Gets configuration properties.
Method: get
Path: /policy/config/property/v1
The operations from the Group category.
Creates a group.
Method: post
Path: /oaa-policy/group/v1
Deletes the group
Method: delete
Path: /oaa-policy/group/v1/{groupid}
Get the group by groupid
Method: get
Path: /oaa-policy/group/v1/{groupid}
Gets groups for the agent.
Method: get
Path: /oaa-policy/group/v1
Updates the group
Method: put
Path: /oaa-policy/group/v1/{groupid}
The operations from the Policy category.
Creates a policy
Method: post
Path: /oaa-policy/policy/v1
Deletes the policy
Method: delete
Path: /oaa-policy/policy/v1/{policygid}
Evaluates policy
Method: post
Path: /oaa-policy/policy/v1/expression
Gets all policies for the given assurance level
Method: get
Path: /oaa-policy/policy/v1
Gets the policy
Method: get
Path: /oaa-policy/policy/v1/{policygid}
Updates the policy
Method: put
Path: /oaa-policy/policy/v1/{policygid}
Policy Browser
The operations from the Policy Browser category.
Gets the policy with trigger combinations
Method: get
Path: /policy/risk/v1/policies/{policygid}
Updates the policy for Policy Browser
Method: put
Path: /policy/risk/v1/policies/{policygid}
Updates the trigger combination associated with a policy.
Method: put
Path: /policy/risk/v1/policies/{policygid}/trigger-combinations
Policy Rule
The operations from the Policy Rule category.
Creates a rule under the policy
Method: post
Path: /oaa-policy/policy/v1/{policygid}/rule
Deletes the rule from the policy.
Method: delete
Path: /oaa-policy/policy/v1/{policygid}/rule/{ruleid}
Gets all rules in a policy
Method: get
Path: /oaa-policy/policy/v1/{policygid}/rule
Gets the rule in the policy
Method: get
Path: /oaa-policy/policy/v1/{policygid}/rule/{ruleid}
Updates the rule in a policy
Method: put
Path: /oaa-policy/policy/v1/{policygid}/rule/{ruleid}
The operations from the PolicyAggregation category.
Creates a new agent and policy
Method: post
Path: /oaa-policy/aggregation/v1/
The operations from the PolicyAssuranceLevel category.
Creates an Assurance Level
Method: post
Path: /oaa-policy/assuranceLevel/v1
Deletes the assurance level
Method: delete
Path: /oaa-policy/assuranceLevel/v1/{levelId}
Gets all Assurance Levels for the agent
Method: get
Path: /oaa-policy/assuranceLevel/v1
Gets the assurance level
Method: get
Path: /oaa-policy/assuranceLevel/v1/{levelId}
Updates the Assurance Level
Method: put
Path: /oaa-policy/assuranceLevel/v1/{levelId}
The operations from the Snapshot category.
Applies a snapshot
Method: post
Path: /policy/risk/v1/snapshots/{snapshotId}
Deletes a snapshot
Method: delete
Path: /policy/risk/v1/snapshots/{snapshotId}
Gets a snapshot zip file
Method: get
Path: /policy/risk/v1/snapshots/{snapshotId}
Gets all the snapshots available
Method: get
Path: /policy/risk/v1/snapshots
Stores snapshot in DB.
Method: post
Path: /policy/risk/v1/snapshots