2.3 Create New Actor

An actor is a data structure that you can reuse in multiple custom activities. For example, an address actor could be used as a shipping address, billing address, home address, and so on.

Elements Description
Name Specify a unique name of the actor. For example, for the Address actor, enter Address in the Name field.
Description Specify the description of the actor. For example, you can enter Address of customer.
Add Data Use the Add Value page to specify the data elements that are part of that actor.

For an actor like Address, the attributes could be Address Line1, Address Line2, Address Line3, City, State, Zipcode, and Country.

Define the elements for each attribute of an actor by following these instructions:

  • Name: Specify a name for the attribute. For example, Address Line1.
  • Description: Specify a description for the attribute. For example, the address of the customer logging in.
  • Required: Use the toggle button to specify whether the element is required in the Required field.

    Some attributes are not required all the time because the actor can function without this data. For example, "Address Line2" in an address is not required since many addresses do not have this attribute.

  • Data Type: Specify the data type of the attribute.

    A data type is an attribute that specifies the type of data that the attribute can take: Boolean, String, Numeric, and Date.

  • Encrypted: Use the toggle button to specify whether the element should be encrypted.

    If Encrypted is set toTrue, data is encrypted so that it can be stored securely in the database to protect sensitive data.

    Encryption is used for string data fields only; other data fields are not required to be encrypted.