2.22 List All Questions

The customer can configure a set of challenge questions that are used to authenticate users. The Questions page lists the standard challenge questions that are presented to the user at the time of registration.

To view the challenge questions list, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Application Navigation hamburger menu on top-left and click Configure Security Questions.
  2. From the Top Questions panel, click the View All Questions link.

    The Questions page appears with a list of standard challenge questions.


Elements Description
Search box In the Search field, specify the question text to search for in the category selected from the Categories drop-down menu.
Create New Question Create a question, if the standard questions do not meet your requirements.
More Actions (…) Provides you import and export options as follows:
  • Import Questions: Allows you to import a question or multiple questions as a ZIP file that is exported from an OARM system.
  • Export Questions: Allows you to export a question or a set of questions as a ZIP file. Select the rows corresponding to the questions you want to export.
  • Export All Questions: Allows you to export all the listed questions as a ZIP file.
Edit Edit a question.
Delete Delete a question.