2.15 Manage Groups

You can perform a number of actions to manage a group.

To manage groups, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Application Navigation hamburger menu on top-left.
  2. From the menu, click Manage Groups.

    The Groups page appears with a list of standard groups.


Elements Description
Search Allows you to search a group based on the provided search string.
All Group Types From the All Group Types list, select a group based on which you want to search a group.

Note: All Group Types is the default value used for search operation from the list on group types.

Create New Group Allows you to create a group.
More Actions (…) Provides you import and export options as follows:
  • Import Groups: Allows you to import a group or multiple groups as a ZIP file that is exported from an OARM system.
  • Export Groups: Allows you to export a group or a set of groups as a ZIP file. Select the rows corresponding to the groups you want to export.
  • Export All Groups: Allows you to export all the listed groups as a ZIP file.
Edit Allows you to edit an existing group.
Delete Allows you to delete an existing group.