C Configuring OMA Push Notifications Using Legacy FCM API's

The following configuration steps show how to configure push notifications for Android devices using Legacy FCM API's.


Administrators should be aware of the following:
  • Google is deprecating Legacy FCM API's in June 2024 and migrating to HTTP v1 API's.
  • For all new configurations it is recommended to use HTTP v1 API's. Steps to configure using HTTP v1 API's can be found in Configuring Oracle Mobile Authenticator Push Notification for Android.
  • If you have configured push notifications for Android in releases prior to OAA June 24 refresh, you will be using Legacy FCM API's. Administrators should migrate to HTTP v1 API's by upgrading to OAA June 24 refresh or later. The steps to upgrade and migrate to HTTP v1 API's can be found in Upgrading OAA, OARM, and OUA.
  • The steps in this sections below are for reference only.