11.8 Configuring Oracle UMS Server for Email and SMS

OAA supports Oracle UMS out-of-the-box for providing email and SMS challenges

To integrate Oracle UMS with OAA for providing email and SMS challenge factors, use the <PolicyUrl>/policy/config/property/v1 REST API as shown in the following sample request.


In this case remove /oaa-policy from the <PolicyUrl>, for example use https://<host>:<port>/policy/config/property/v1 not https://<host>:<port>/oaa-policy/policy/config/property/v1

For details about finding the PolicyUrl and authenticating, see OAA Admin API.

For details about the Configuration Properties REST API, see Configuration Properties REST Endpoints.

Sample Request

curl --location -g --request PUT '<PolicyUrl>/policy/config/property/v1' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <Base64Encoded(<username>:<password>)>' \--data '[
        "name": "bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum.ChallengeEmail.umsClientURL",
        "value": "<UMS_SERVER_URL>"          
        "name": "bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum.ChallengeEmail.umsClientName",
        "value": "<UMS_ADMIN_USER>"          
        "name": "bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum.ChallengeEmail.umsClientPass",
        "value": "<UMS_ADMIN_PASSWORD>"          
{        "name": "bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum.ChallengeEmail.fromAddress",
        "value": "<fromAddress>"
        "name": "bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum.ChallengeSMS.umsClientURL",
        "value": "<UMS_SERVER_URL>"                
        "name": "bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum.ChallengeSMS.umsClientName",
        "value": "<UMS_ADMIN_USER>"                
        "name": "bharosa.uio.default.challenge.type.enum.ChallengeSMS.umsClientPass",
        "value": "<UMS_ADMIN_PASSWORD>"                
  • <UMS_SERVER_URL> is the UMS server URL, for example: http://ums.example.com:8001/ucs/messaging/webservice.
  • <UMS_ADMIN_USER> is the username for the UMS service.
  • <UMS_ADMIN_PASSWORD> is the corresponding password for <ums_username>.
  • <fromAddress> is the email address from which end users will receive the One Time Passcode (OTP), for example oaa@example.com

For implementing your own email and SMS servers, see Customizing Email and SMS Messaging Provider.