11.11.2 Configuring Registration Logic

Registration Logic manages the registration of challenge questions and answers.

The KBA feature offers a large framework of questions for obtaining answers from the user during registration or reset. During KBA registration the user is presented with a Question Set, which is a subset of the challenge questions library. The Question Set allotted to the user is generated based on the settings configured in the Registration Logic. This Question Set prevents an imposter from harvesting questions for use in a phishing exercise.

The Question Set is broken down into several drop-down lists that contain questions to select from. The drop-down lists with questions is called a "menu."

To configure the Registration Logic, you specify the settings for Question Set generation as follows:
  • The number of questions to be registered
  • The number of questions per menu
  • The number of categories per menu

You can configure the number of questions that a user must register, the number of questions that appear in each menu, and the number of categories per menu. As standard, questions are grouped into categories. The user is allowed to select one question from each menu and enter answers for them. Only one question from each question menu can be registered.

Let us consider the following example to see how the Registration Logic settings affect the Question Set of a customer.

Question/Menu Categories/Menu Questions/Category in a Menu
7 4 2+2+2+1

The example results in registration menus containing 2 questions from category A, and 2 questions from category B, and 2 questions from category C, and 1 question from category D. This continues in a round robin fashion as needed. If there are any categories with an insufficient number of questions or an insufficient number of categories duplicate questions can result.

For example to generate a Question Set with:

  • 3 menus
  • 5 questions per menu
  • 5 categories per menu

The algorithm tries to pick one question each from 15 categories if 15 categories are available. The minimum number of questions per category should be equal to the number of questions in the Question Set divided by the total number of categories.

Pre-requisite for Configuring Registration Logic for Locales

The Administrator must ensure that there are enough questions in the database for each of the supported locale as configured in OAA Admin during deployment; otherwise, the application displays only the English language questions during registration.

The number of locale-specific questions must be equal to or greater than the "Questions User Will Register" multiplied by the "Questions per Menu" multiplied by the "Categories per Menu."