4.2.9 Creating a Kubernetes Namespace and Secret

Create a Kubernetes namespace and secret for the deployment.

  1. Run the following command to create a Kubernetes namespace for the deployment:
    kubectl create namespace <namespace>
    For example:
    kubectl create namespace oaans


    The namespace given will be used later in the parameter common.kube.namespace=oaans in the installOAA.properties.
  2. Create a Kubernetes secret for your Container Image Registry (CIR) in the OAA namespace. This is required so the management container pod can push images to your CIR and so the OAA/OARM/OUA deployment can pull images from your CIR.
    kubectl create secret docker-registry dockersecret --docker-server=<CONTAINER_REGISTRY> \
     --docker-username='<USER_NAME>' \
    --docker-password='<PASSWORD>' \
    --docker-email='<EMAIL_ADDRESS>' \
    For example:
    kubectl create secret docker-registry dockersecret --docker-server=container-registry.example.com \
    --docker-username="user@example.com" \
    --docker-password=<PASSWORD> --docker-email=user@example.com \


    The secret name dockersecret will be used later in the parameter install.global.imagePullSecrets\[0\].name in the installOAA.properties.