4.6 Deploying OAA, OARM, and OUA

Before deploying OAA, OARM, and OUA, make sure you have followed Creating the Management Container.

Deploying OAA, OARM, and OUA

  1. Enter a bash shell for the OAA management pod if not already inside one:
    kubectl exec -n <namespace> -ti <oaamgmt-pod> -- /bin/bash
    For example:
    kubectl exec -n oaans -ti oaamgmt-oaa-mgmt-7dfccb7cb7-lj6sv9 -- /bin/bash
  2. Inside the OAA management pod bash shell, deploy the installation by running the OAA.sh script:
    cd ~
    ./OAA.sh -f installOAA.properties


    This will use the installOAA.properties in the <NFS_CONFIG_PATH>.

Next Steps: If the install is successful you will see output similar to Printing Deployment Details.


If you encounter problems deploying, see Troubleshooting the Installation.